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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Scratch that. All I had to do is e-mail it to my self and Ctr-V it from there. I am sure that...

    Scratch that. All I had to do is e-mail it to my self and Ctr-V it from there. I am sure that you will be impressed with the writing quality. At least I think it's safe to say that I impressed myself.
  2. Scyther

    Referee Headquarters

    Um, what? Uppity much? I mean, jesse, I get that you don't want you're name to be misspelled, but seriously, it's not like I'm ever really going to talk to you again. People get annoyed when you try to correct their every mistake. My mock ref: Stark Mountain. This dark, craggy volcano rose...
  3. Scyther


  4. Scyther

    Do you mind if I E-Mail you the mock ref? The forum doesn't seem to accept my spaces, and put...

    Do you mind if I E-Mail you the mock ref? The forum doesn't seem to accept my spaces, and put them down as asetriks instead.
  5. Scyther

    Haircut? Engagment? Assertivness?

    Haircut? Engagment? Assertivness?
  6. Scyther

    Sorta. I know how to play and have a bunch of really old cards, but as for actually doing it...

    Sorta. I know how to play and have a bunch of really old cards, but as for actually doing it? Not so much. Mostly because there's no one intrested in playing it with me.
  7. Scyther

    No, I haven't forgotten. I'm still practicing.

    No, I haven't forgotten. I'm still practicing.
  8. Scyther

    You knew what that meant? OK, that's seriously really awesome.

    You knew what that meant? OK, that's seriously really awesome.
  9. Scyther

    Merry birthday~~ Now, go run barefoot through some freckles!

    Merry birthday~~ Now, go run barefoot through some freckles!
  10. Scyther

    Happy Birthday! Present? Eh. You'll always be on my faverite people in the world list, if that...

    Happy Birthday! Present? Eh. You'll always be on my faverite people in the world list, if that counts.
  11. Scyther

    Hey, you are aware that more people have auditioned for parts in your RP, correct?

    Hey, you are aware that more people have auditioned for parts in your RP, correct?
  12. Scyther

    C'mon! I even told you her strategy, when she said she was buying a Mareep!

    C'mon! I even told you her strategy, when she said she was buying a Mareep!
  13. Scyther

    Huh? I've actually been considering it, but there is a terrible shortage of ideas. Voicechat? Huh?

    Huh? I've actually been considering it, but there is a terrible shortage of ideas. Voicechat? Huh?
  14. Scyther

    Huh? I've actually been considering it, but there is a terrible shortage of ideas. Voicechat? Huh?

    Huh? I've actually been considering it, but there is a terrible shortage of ideas. Voicechat? Huh?
  15. Scyther

    Grat. Let us discuss strategy. What Pokemon will you choose?

    Grat. Let us discuss strategy. What Pokemon will you choose?
  16. Scyther

    http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8908 Or just go to the Role Playing Lounge...

    http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8908 Or just go to the Role Playing Lounge and go to The Program Season 2
  17. Scyther

    Oop, nevermind. In a sudden turn of events, my dad is moving back in temporarily!

    Oop, nevermind. In a sudden turn of events, my dad is moving back in temporarily!
  18. Scyther

    So um, you know this novice reffing you'll hopefully be putting up soon? Well, I'm not going to...

    So um, you know this novice reffing you'll hopefully be putting up soon? Well, I'm not going to be here all weekend, including Monday and later today (however, I'll have a computor to type it on.) So I was wondering if you could extend put it up today, if it's no bother, and give us until next...
  19. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    OK, Stantler, you're hidden, right? Well, just stay that way, unless, that is, Eevee finds you, in which case, use sleep talk. If at any point you wake up, us imprision again. Then, chill. Nothing/Sleep Talk~Nothing/Sleep Talk/Imprision~Nothing/Sleep Talk/Imprision/Chill
  20. Scyther

    Ladies and gentlemen, introducing: The Poison Wonder!

    Welcome, my chop liver's friend.
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