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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Ladies and gentlemen, introducing: The Poison Wonder!

    Welcome, my chop liver's friend.
  2. Scyther

    Referee Headquarters

    I'd like to be weird and reinforce what Joeseph is saying, simply because I'm weird. ...And I've been studying other reffings. And checking here every two seconds. And it's frustrating.
  3. Scyther

    Looking back in our conversation. At one point, you told me not to VM you due to 'high octane...

    Looking back in our conversation. At one point, you told me not to VM you due to 'high octane nightmere fuel'. I've always kind of thought that must be a computor problem, but I've visted TV Tropes since and now know otherwise. So, I was just wondering what you were referring to.
  4. Scyther


    My goodness, a jock on a Pokemon forum. What a sight, what a sight. Anyway, welcome. If you don't mind, I just make take you up on your offer on ROM Hacking.
  5. Scyther

    HOLYCARPTHAT'SAHEAVYCAT! Did you here about the new Pokemon, Zorark? I'm excited.

    HOLYCARPTHAT'SAHEAVYCAT! Did you here about the new Pokemon, Zorark? I'm excited.
  6. Scyther

    OK then. About six pounds, maybe? We've finnally gotten a decent amount of snow here. I'm off...

    OK then. About six pounds, maybe? We've finnally gotten a decent amount of snow here. I'm off school right now. I think I'll go sledding with my little brother mow.
  7. Scyther

    How many pounds is 10KG?

    How many pounds is 10KG?
  8. Scyther


  9. Scyther

    Thanks a lot, twiggy! And why not? It's the most wonderful accent in the world ^-^ After the...

    Thanks a lot, twiggy! And why not? It's the most wonderful accent in the world ^-^ After the trade with you, I went to school and cheerfully told everyone how you sounded, because it was so awesome, and I had only ever heard it in movies~~
  10. Scyther

    Thanks. I'll be sure to read a few of their battles before I try out again. Just a bit of a...

    Thanks. I'll be sure to read a few of their battles before I try out again. Just a bit of a question about the future of ASB, then. Say Luvdisk or something got some new, all-powerful evolution in this next generation. Would it's rarity go up? Or could the Pokemon be taken out of ASB entirely?
  11. Scyther

    Oh Twiggy, Twiggy, my friend with a wonderful accent. Oh please, won't you help us TQFtL forum...

    Oh Twiggy, Twiggy, my friend with a wonderful accent. Oh please, won't you help us TQFtL forum goers?
  12. Scyther

    Is there any specific refs you think I should observe to become better?

    Is there any specific refs you think I should observe to become better?
  13. Scyther

    On Reputation, or Why No One Should Take Me Seriously At All Ever

    C'mon, Butterfree, it'd be fun.
  14. Scyther

    Your Personal Notepad

    From when I first joined about a year ago.
  15. Scyther

    USA will disintegrate in June

    Heck, I'm excited. I wish this guy knew what he was talking about.
  16. Scyther

    I've seriusly been sitting in Algerbra, drawing chairs for practice. Yeah. One of them turned...

    I've seriusly been sitting in Algerbra, drawing chairs for practice. Yeah. One of them turned out well. (What? The elimination method is simple; I can do the problems and have freetime.
  17. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    Use Snatch (for the wish), make a 30% substitute, than Use your Rest attack. Snatch~Substitute 30%~Rest.
  18. Scyther

    Eh, I still might. I did get some charcoal for my, uh... bought it with my allowance.

    Eh, I still might. I did get some charcoal for my, uh... bought it with my allowance.
  19. Scyther

    Oh my goodness, you've lost intrest. That's kinda sad. But fine. Let me go get my pencil...

    Oh my goodness, you've lost intrest. That's kinda sad. But fine. Let me go get my pencil...
  20. Scyther

    Hmph. I'm going to win a comprhension test. Stupid smart Nottie. (But seriously, you totally...

    Hmph. I'm going to win a comprhension test. Stupid smart Nottie. (But seriously, you totally just got on my most-awesome-people-in-the-world-list.) I was so dramatic, and fought really annoyingly. And said things that were very hard to follow. And was a jerk many times. Wow.
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