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Search results

  1. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    That doesn't mean anything. Just because they look alike doesn't mean that they're related. Mars is waaay too young to be Silver's mother and I highly doubt that he's related to Hyouta :|
  2. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

    inorite. Even though it wasn't that suspenseful, it's still at least a little exciting.
  3. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I haven't seen Soul's overworld, but I'm playing as her anyway. She's so cute <3
  4. jibaku

    Requests Open *Promises to draw better*

    oh hay~ You're pretty awesome at drawing people~ Would you draw updated Silver in a pimp suit pretty please?
  5. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

  6. jibaku

    Character changes thread

    I like it better than it was in the original GSC. It's actually styled this time~
  7. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I thought that would be a given D:
  8. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I second this. Personally, there isn't anything else I could possibly want from this game. Silver is totally hot, everything thing is new and improved and then some, and we're even getting Kanto. What more can someone ask for?
  9. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    ...FUCK YEAH, KANTO! Now that that's off my chest, I think my final team is going to be the following: Kingdra Feraligatr Houndoom Jynx Persian Mismagius My team is based on my Platinum team. I guess I can work some HMS in there, but I might need a couple slaves. I dunno about moves, but I...
  10. jibaku

    Character changes thread

    mmm Silver <33 He looks so badass. Like he'd steal your Pokemon. Like he's Giovanni's son. But that hair is just lovely on him <33
  11. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    eeee Rapidash following meee <33 Or post game, Milotic Or Froslass Either way, this is awesome ;D
  12. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Whoa hay daaaaaamn I approve of the new Silver art. He looks so badass *__* <33 Wait, they got the whole Groudon/SS and Kyogre/HG thing backwards right? That's weird @_@;
  13. jibaku

    ‘Slumdog’ may become English’s millionth word

    Re: ‘Slumdog’ may become English’s millionth word I agree. Why does it have to be a word that meant nothing two years ago?
  14. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    ...I would wear the crap out of the Pokewalk. I'd do tons more walking XDD Come to me, my Totodile army~ <3
  15. jibaku

    Requests Open Zoltea's Sprite Mart

    Ohh it's nice. Thanks :D
  16. jibaku

    Requests Open Zoltea's Sprite Mart

    Thanks :D Take your time~
  17. jibaku

    Requests Open Zoltea's Sprite Mart

    I don't really mind which one you pick lool I guess I'd go anime though :Dv
  18. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    So cloooose~ Only two more ;o;
  19. jibaku

    Requests Open Zoltea's Sprite Mart

    May I have a pixel over of Lucario please?
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