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Search results

  1. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    Thanks~ :D
  2. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Ohh~ That's a Sneasel egg? I was wondering what it looked like.
  3. jibaku

    Requests Open SpriteRite- New Honors List Members

    Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever! Thanks~ :Dv
  4. jibaku

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    May I have a Milotic/Rayquaza splice please?
  5. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    KDSJFLDSKJFL Feebas is so close to hatching that it hurts ;o;
  6. jibaku

    Did You Make Your Avatar?

    Nope. My boyfriend at the time did. I made my sig though :Dv
  7. jibaku

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I join~ I really want either Suicune or Ho-Oh. Those are the only Johto legends I really care for XD Today my Absol finally hatched. I was so happy <3 And my Feebas is going to hatch soon too. I'm going to get one of my favorite Pokemon of all time :Dv I also got Aron, Seel and Zubat eggs...
  8. jibaku

    Requests Open SpriteRite- New Honors List Members

    Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever! Kay so. Here are my requests: Recolor: Body: Rapidash Colors: Umbreon colors Pokemon 1 Recolored Rapidash [the same one you recolored for my first request plox] Pokemon 2 Shiny Rapidash HP for pokemon 600/600 LVs for both: OVER NINE...
  9. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    Uhm, I'm not changing my likes or dislikes to suit everyone's tastes. I don't like Twilight. Simple as that. You're going to have to deal with it :|
  10. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    loool It's actually not that hard. Just boil tapioca pearls, make the tea and bam. You've technically got bubble tea.
  11. jibaku

    iPokemon forum~

    The name screams "I'm just in it for the trend!" more than anything. The Mudkip layout isn't helping at all either. How are we supposed to know that this isn't just a trend forum?
  12. jibaku

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I lost so hard XDDD
  13. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    I'm a Narutard too. Only I keep myself in check. I've got my Deidara, Orochimaru and Sauke plushies too you know >.>;;
  14. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    Woooo I'm liked :Dv Thanks you guys~ Hay DarkAmour, do you know how to make bubble tea? :Dv?
  15. jibaku

    10th May New Game Announcement

  16. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    First of all: SKLFJDSKLFJDSKLFJSDKLFJUEIOUEWRIOSDGVNJDFNHBNCXBGSKJLHWIOeghnsdklvc sjdfjkdfhgkjdhijdhuewrhwiuogtnsdkmvbncxmbvdskj;heiorjqewlkjscnmzx,bvi;uryq8ruqior3u285 sgjbdfhgkjldfhrighyeruoterwotiweityewhjfbdsnvbxvsdg *implodes* Now that that's out of the way, maybe I can come up with a...
  17. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    @ Alarunne: Oyus. Castlevania forever. @Dewgong: Can I call you Dewy? Also: Not much :3
  18. jibaku

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    I kind of noticed that before, but I don't think that Venonat was supposed to be the pre-ev of Butterfree. I think that when the Caterpie family was created, it was supposed to follow the idea of real catepillars an junk and Butterfree just happens to look like Venonat? But after that when the...
  19. jibaku

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    C://vital stats Age: 18 Place: Atlanta Personality: Too witty for my own good half the time, complete slacker, easy going C://specialized Hobbies: LOL INTERNET, writing, role playing, Pokemon, making fun of Korean boy bands, vocaloids <33 Preferred music genres: Chiptune, Gamewave, electro...
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