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Requests Open SpriteRite- New Honors List Members

Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

sorry, i didn't see that in the rules. let's try again.
could I perhaps get a splice?
pokemon1(body): Omastar (oops... did I say omanyte? I meant omastar.)
pokemon 2(features): tauros
If too difficult, which I doubt I just wnat to see what you would come up with, (I came up with one myself), just ignore this.:grin:
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Look Sonic, I know I'm not the only one that hates "put this in your post or you can't!" rules. Most people on the forums consider the default smilies to be a mark of noobs anyway, so if you must do it a certain word or phrase would be better and would make you look less like a noob for using the smilies.

And what the hell is the point of "strikes/warnings" anyway? Are you going to prevent people from being able to post in the topic? You can't actually physically ban them from the topic; you can agree not to take their request, but if that's the case - look around and see how much competition you've got. More for them, less for you.
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

ok. you know, i like that idea. le'mme go edit and put up poor Zack's sprite.

EDIT: Zack, I'm REALLY sorry. just read the beginning of the first post for my apology.
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Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Hey, can I get battle scene?
Pokemon 1: Can yo use my Fakemon Fiera?
The image needs transparatizing.
Pokemon 2: Piplup
HP for Pokemon 1: Full, 21/21
Lv for 1: 5, Lv for 2: 5
Background: Could you have one of the grassy day bgs from Platinum, please?
Thanks for the ultra demanding request! :3
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

zack do ou want me to redo it? i dont care. um... Jolt, I'll try to make Fiera myself, lets see what happens. (shudders)
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

No, I don't want to re do it. It's very nice. I just imagined that the tauros head would replace the omastar head, and then the three tails would replace the ... tentacles(?). It's just different, not bad.
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

if your talking about a recolor, simpliffy it to 2, and then add smile and VOILA! order!

This smiley? :freaked:

Anyway, I mean a colour swap where etc. Zapdos gets Articunos colours, Articuno gets Moltres' colours & Zapdos gets moltres colours. If you don't want to do it fine.
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Kay so. Here are my requests:

Body: Rapidash
Colors: Umbreon colors

Pokemon 1 Recolored Rapidash [the same one you recolored for my first request plox]
Pokemon 2 Shiny Rapidash
HP for pokemon 600/600

...No, 100.
Background: I don't really care. You pick :Dv

And finally, a Rapidash Pokeball.

Please and thank you :Dv
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Anyway, I mean a colour swap where etc. Zapdos gets Articunos colours, Articuno gets Moltres' colours & Zapdos gets moltres colours. If you don't want to do it fine.
Got it. Not rite now though, im too sprited out

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Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Dont worr about it any time.

BTW, DA, i sincerely apoplogize for the wait. here:

mi dispiace (i am sorry)
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Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Iwould like to request:
an empoleon poke ball and
A fusion of weavile with empoleon features
(you can tell that I like Empoleon)
Thanks in advance.
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

Pokemon 1: Scar (Umbreon with red rings)
Pokemon 2: Lucky (Albino Lucario (ALL blue and yellow fur is white, but black/grey stays black/grey; like the one on SSBB))
HP for pokemon 1: 206
LVs for both: Both level 63
Background: The one if you just bump into a Pokemon in the grass.
Other: For references, look in my sig (and avvie, for that matter)
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

can i request a fusion of treecko(base) and corphish(did i spell that right?)
Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever!

I'm all done-

(I hope this is what you wanted, I wasn't sure that I did it right)
and GiantNoob---

I'm thinking of some new sprites soon, what do you think?
Re: SpriteRite- Back from the (almost) dead!


One problem though; Lucky's spike is transparent, and it shows the grass...
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