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Search results

  1. Effigy of the Forgotten

    The Grunge Thread

    Nirvana and Alice In Chains are both amazing. What I've heard from Soundgarden and Pearl Jam is pretty good.
  2. Effigy of the Forgotten

    what is the best album/song of 2009?

    Best album for me from this year is definitely Infected Disarray's Disseminating Obscenity. Mental as hell and insanely brutal but still very catchy and atmospheric, with its own unique sound. This came out around March I think, have listened to it almost every day since then, completely...
  3. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Meat Eating

    I've been a veggie all my life, not for any particular ethical reasons, but because meat tastes fucking vile to me, to the point where if I eat some (whether this be cos veggie food and none veggie food got mixed up or because I was just hungry enough to try some meat) I get gag reflexes in my...
  4. Effigy of the Forgotten

    never heard of Trail of Tears, but I'll try and make time to check them out this week, cheers...

    never heard of Trail of Tears, but I'll try and make time to check them out this week, cheers for the recommendation :)
  5. Effigy of the Forgotten

    (For metalheads) Where It All Began

    They're close enough to metal and they're the band that encouraged him to get more into metal and check out new bands, you don't need to be anal about genres. What songs/album would you recommend to get an idea of their sound?
  6. Effigy of the Forgotten


    I really want to see this film, it looks fantastic and most of James Cameron's stuff tends not to disappoint so I'm sure will have a good time. Probs will go either this Wednesday or next (am poor atm so have to do Orange Wednesdays :P). Can't wait!
  7. Effigy of the Forgotten

    (For metalheads) Where It All Began

    I have Cradle of Filth to thank for getting me into metal. I downloaded their Nymphetamine album out of curiosity as to what a band called "Cradle of Filth" could possibly sound like hahaa. I'd heard a couple of Metallica songs previously and enjoyed them, but they didn't have as much of an...
  8. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Opinions on IPod?

    I had an 160gb one for a couple of years. It's extremely sexy with the massive amount of space, as you can basically fit however much music and video and shit you want on there without worrying. Mine was an absolute BRICK though lol, absolutely huge, dunno if they've changed it or made it...
  9. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    Glad you liked them man :D Immo are one of my favourite bands ever, every single album they've released is basically a classic and they've been brilliant both times I've seen them. Haven't managed to see Akercocke live yet but really want to, they're supposed to be fantastic. I've heard Two...
  10. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Lady Gaga

    I've listened to KT Tunstall, not the other two you mentioned though will have to check them out.
  11. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Lady Gaga

    As an elitist death metalhead, I can truely say that Lady Gaga is absolutely fantastic and that the haters on here have not managed to grasp the pure genius of her music. :D Not even joking, she's a great singer, she's got some amazing songs, and she's a lot more interesting than most of the...
  12. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    Atheist, Bloodbath and Nile are all awesome. Cynic have some great music but I find the weird clean vocals they do quite hard to get past. Necrophagist's first album was awesome, the second was quite good but there was a bit too much neo-classical wankery and not enough crushing death metal...
  13. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    That was the tour earlier this year yeah? I was going to go to that (mainly for Obituary though Amon Amarth are alright) but something came up at the last minute and I couldn't make it. Haha I think John Tardy's vocals are great, it seems we have some very different opinions on music :P If...
  14. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    Satyricon are awesome live, you'll have a great time :D
  15. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    End Complete and World Demise were decent albums, though Slowly We Rot and Cause of Death were the best. Their last three were solid, if not amazing. Main reason I recommended them was that they'd be fairly easy to get into for someone who didn't like much death metal, very groovy, catchy and...
  16. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    Good album recommendations, couldn't disagree more about Obituary but each to their own :S
  17. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    I'd definitely recommend Obituary, classic band who are very groovy and accessible while still retaining that sick and evil atmosphere death metal needs. Their best album is probably Cause Of Death, although if you've been having trouble getting into DM you could try their more recent one...
  18. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    That's fair enough. I love some of the really technical mental shit, sounds so chaotic and intense, though some of it still gets a bit too much for me (can't get into Origin and Brain Drill and stuff like that). I still love old school stuff like Morbid Angel, Obituary, Entombed and the like...
  19. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    Just depends on your taste really. Like I can't stand power metal but I know loads of people are really into it, just like plenty of people hate death metal and tech death stuff. Nile tend to be quite popular amongst people who don't like other more technical/brutal bands, probably because the...
  20. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    Yes sir I am :) You're Altmer right?
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