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Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

What's the best DM band for someone who wants to get into the genre? I quite enjoy doom metal and black metal so death metal seems like the next logical step.
Odd one out...this list is action-packed with FAIL!

10. Beyond The Pale-Jim Gaffigan (I know,not music....)
9. Born To Do It-Craig David
8. Day & Age-The Killers
7. For Those About To Shop,We Salute You-Parry Gripp (I fail)
6. Incredibad-The Lonely Island
5. I'm Not Dead-P!nk
4. Cruel Cruel World-Prozzak
3. Life In Cartoon Motion-Mika
2. The Boy Who Knew Too Much-Mika
1. Jugganauts-Insane Clown Posse

Please have mercy on me...
What's the best DM band for someone who wants to get into the genre? I quite enjoy doom metal and black metal so death metal seems like the next logical step.
I'd definitely recommend Obituary, classic band who are very groovy and accessible while still retaining that sick and evil atmosphere death metal needs. Their best album is probably Cause Of Death, although if you've been having trouble getting into DM you could try their more recent one Xecutioner's Return, relatively easy on the ears compared to most death metal and has some lovely grooves and guitar solos :D All their stuff's pretty good though.
If you really want an album get Slowly we Rot or Cause of Death - but they have sucked since
Poets of The Fall - Revolution Roulette
Muse - The Resistance

Both awesome albums.
If you really want an album get Slowly we Rot or Cause of Death - but they have sucked since
End Complete and World Demise were decent albums, though Slowly We Rot and Cause of Death were the best. Their last three were solid, if not amazing. Main reason I recommended them was that they'd be fairly easy to get into for someone who didn't like much death metal, very groovy, catchy and quite easy on the ear.
I am not hugely into death metal - I listened to Slowly We Rot but then I saw Obituary live - that was crap. Boring. Also the vocalist needs to shut up (yes I don't like John Retardy).

And I only saw them 'cause they opened for Amon Amarth. And because I also wanted to see Keep of Kalessin and Legion of the Damned.
That was the tour earlier this year yeah? I was going to go to that (mainly for Obituary though Amon Amarth are alright) but something came up at the last minute and I couldn't make it. Haha I think John Tardy's vocals are great, it seems we have some very different opinions on music :P If you've seen them live and you didn't like them then that's fair enough though.
Have you tried Archenemy?
I'm more for speed metal and heavy metal myself. Most of what I listen to is from the 80's and 90's. But, if you want 2000's......
3. Death Magnetic- Metallica
2. Black Rain- Ozzy Osbourne
1. Ten Thousand Fists- Disturbed
That was the tour earlier this year yeah? I was going to go to that (mainly for Obituary though Amon Amarth are alright) but something came up at the last minute and I couldn't make it. Haha I think John Tardy's vocals are great, it seems we have some very different opinions on music :P If you've seen them live and you didn't like them then that's fair enough though.

It's because usually death metal that is too tech/brutal is too much for me. I like the old school more. I like my growls decipherable, I like my death metal with groove and melody and less *all over the place*. I don't like Cryptopsy, or Suffocation, etc. The only tech death I have been able to stand remotely is Necrophagist...

unless Atheist and Cynic count? And Bloodbath I guess...Nile too. But only Annihilation of the Wicked.

I know Obituary are more old school but I don't like John Tardy's vocals and somehow their groove doesn't appeal to me. I don't know, Obituary are just bland.

TBH, I do like my metal heavy, just - comprehensible in one way or another. Also I like good production values, which is what turns me off the really kvlt BM. Even though I like progressive and avant-garde stuff too (not the latter so much apart from Arcturus)...

I think that is the difference - I like heaviness and power, but not noise. The balance is often precarious and I tend more to a slightly melodic edge.

Also I listen to other weird stuff so that doesn't lend me any metal cred either when you like Alanis Morissette.

Have you tried Archenemy?

Yes, they are all right. I like Anthems of Rebellion and Rise of the Tyrant. Fuck the people who like the Liiva era, his vocals are awful (music is good but it's Amott)
It's because usually death metal that is too tech/brutal is too much for me. I like the old school more. I like my growls decipherable, I like my death metal with groove and melody and less *all over the place*. I don't like Cryptopsy, or Suffocation, etc. The only tech death I have been able to stand remotely is Necrophagist...

unless Atheist and Cynic count? And Bloodbath I guess...Nile too. But only Annihilation of the Wicked.
Atheist, Bloodbath and Nile are all awesome. Cynic have some great music but I find the weird clean vocals they do quite hard to get past. Necrophagist's first album was awesome, the second was quite good but there was a bit too much neo-classical wankery and not enough crushing death metal riffs for my taste lol.
Also I listen to other weird stuff so that doesn't lend me any metal cred either when you like Alanis Morissette.
I listen to quite a few non metal artists as well, some good ones like Muse, Nirvana and the Smiths who I both love, and some that are quite embarrassing so I won't say them *coughLadyGagacough* :P My mate who listens to like really heavy thrash metal and stuff is also a massive fan of Katy Perry, so I'm not alone haha.
Are we picking any kind of metal here? If so, I vote for Metallica!
To Watershed: I don't care much for Archenemy. I have heard a few of their songs, and their alright. I just advised that cause' I know some people that saw them at Ozzfest and really liked em'.
The best metal band is hands down Opeth

(I got myself some music opinons!)

Opeth are great (and really great I mean I have seen them 4x now) but don't think they are the best

also i like something from every metal genre pretty much :x

also for metallica i hope you mean anything from 1989 and earlier
Yeah, it's just that for some reason they're the only metal band I could get into. Well, Dream Theater, and Mastodon I guess, but Opeth are by far my favorite of those. I think it's only because I can actually listen to Opeth without wincing at all the cheese. Their lyrics are pretty good and non-cliche for metal, I'd say? Watershed is my favorite album by them, by far, just because every song is really nice and likeable in a unique way, unlike some other albums of theirs where all the songs kind of mesh into each other, and you can't recall any individual song's melody.

I saw them live too, and they were wonderful.

edit: Oh, and I like Tool. But they're sort of "alternative metal", right?
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