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Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

Here goes:

Viva la Vida - Coldplay
Absolution - Muse
Black Holes and Revelations - Muse
OK Computer - Radiohead
My One and Only Thrill - Melody Gardot
Worrisome Heart - Melody Gardot
The Seldom Seen Kid - Elbow
Hot Fuss - The Killers
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Swing When You're Winning - Robbie Williams
@ Effigy of the Forgotten:

just listened to some of those links, I had never heard Immolation or Acercocke but man they were awesome.

also HEY if anyone is into ambient black metal check out Wolves In The Throne Room.
@ Effigy of the Forgotten:

just listened to some of those links, I had never heard Immolation or Acercocke but man they were awesome.

also HEY if anyone is into ambient black metal check out Wolves In The Throne Room.
Glad you liked them man :D Immo are one of my favourite bands ever, every single album they've released is basically a classic and they've been brilliant both times I've seen them. Haven't managed to see Akercocke live yet but really want to, they're supposed to be fantastic. I've heard Two Hunters from Wolves In The Throne Room, was pretty good, oddly relaxing for a black metal album haha you can just put it on and chill. :P I've heard they all live on like a self-sufficient hippy farm or something somewhere? Good stuff either way haha.
Diadem is the only studio album of theirs I don't have, haha.

And yeah, Two Hunters is probably my favorite. Their new album Black Cascade is ... more aggressive, I guess. It's still good, but I definitely prefer Two Hunters.

edit: listening to it again, that Acercocke song really reminds me of Gojira. Oddly similar.

Defeated Sanity is neat too
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10. Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
9. Chroma - Cartel
8. Boys Like Girls - Boys Like Girls
7. The Best Damn Thing - Aviril Lavigne
6. Riot! - Paramore
5. Innocence & Instinct - Red
4. The All American Rejects - All American Rejects
3. When The World Comes Down - All American Rejects
2. Comatose - Skillet
1. Move Along - All American Rejects

I like All American Rejects.
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Lol I know kinda out of place with all this metal discussion but I always hated metal and probably always will. Red is probably the closest I will ever get to 'intense' music.
Well, its kinda hard to explain; I guess its just the feeling the music gives me. I like fast emotion-filled rock, but the heavy distorted low metal instrumentation kinda feels like its peircing my skin attacking me. And I've never been a fan of screaming, but I can tolorate it if it makes sense with the lyrics. I dunno.
you should really try something that isn't death metal; like... idk... more prog-esque stuff, power metal, different stuff. death metal is the wrong entry point

in fact i recommend you just listen to stuff like porcupine tree, that is totally different from say Morbid Angel or bad metalcore that you can be exposed to. i mean morbid angel are great but you're not gonna get it until you actually like the roots of metal which you may never do since metal is such a hard genre to get into for most people. i dont get why people like dezzuu want to convert more people to metal since not liking huge chunks of it is just fine - at most times metal can be either overwhelming or boring. bad metal is usually really, really bad. good metal is really good though, it's very polarising that way and personally - I prefer metal with understandable growls. most bm and dm is too much chaos for me

also it's ok you like pop-punk so do I chroma is a good album, i do recommend you branch out from your pop-punk niche though, but i wouldnt go into metal, if i were you i'd just do alternative rock and indie stuff and see where that gets you. you might like stuff like nirvana, pixies, radiohead etc

i havent heard anything other from wittr than diadem, i know two hunters is good and black cascade is supposed to be more straightforward blakk metel but you know fuck that shit

also yeah wittr are lol that way with their views, but black metal generally attracts those kinds of people haha

personally I like my BM with a bit of sophistication so diadem appeals to me
Hm, thanks for the advice. I know I should try to branch out a bit more, but I'm really picky about just about everything, especially music. But after a while when I have gotten used to something I can enjoy it more, and eventually really begin to like it. I guess the whole process is made even slower since my primary source for hearing new music is Pandora radio... . I'll definitely try those bands you mentioned. Also, what is wittr?
Altmer: not so much "listen to metal" but "try something different; here, try metal". and yeah there's a good portion of metal I don't like so...
WITTR = Wolves In The Throne Room (a black metal band).

And guys I listen to pop punk.
I don't. But then again I don't listen to just metal. So I think it's odd for a person to just listen to one genre and especially such generic pop punk bands.
what the fuck are you on about

i know andrea ferro is terrible but tony's been all right since forever. sure i dont rate him the highest but he isn't awful by any means
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