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Search results

  1. sergeantwaffleS

    The Rank-Up Thread

    just became caterpie!!! joined on wednesday :D
  2. sergeantwaffleS

    Tell me something that's...

    ummm..... a pencil? tell me something made out of macaroni!
  3. sergeantwaffleS

    Three word story

    ...my waffle's syrup....
  4. sergeantwaffleS

    Tell me something that's...

    anime. tell me something made out of post it notes
  5. sergeantwaffleS

    Hello Everyone!

  6. sergeantwaffleS

    I AM NEW HERE!!! i did this because of IT

    castform? who's that?
  7. sergeantwaffleS

    Finally got a pokemon with pokerus!!

    :grin: just got it from GTS!! It's an arcanine lv 12 (which I shall never trade ! mwahahaha....im not saying anyone wants to though) pokerus: steroids of the pokemon world !
  8. sergeantwaffleS


    Welcome yankeenation ..... to your death! just kidding of course :D
  9. sergeantwaffleS

    FMC's tCoDf Family!

    0_o............... what?
  10. sergeantwaffleS

    Man calls 911 because of wrong Subway order

    well their slogan is " have it your way" .... oh never mind that's from BK . GUESS THAT GUY IS AN IDIOT 0_o
  11. sergeantwaffleS

    What are you thinking?

    "mmmmm dumplings .... um I mean doughnuts!! stupid american version" - naruto abridged
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