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Finally got a pokemon with pokerus!!


is the SHIZNIT!!
:grin: just got it from GTS!! It's an arcanine lv 12 (which I shall never trade ! mwahahaha....im not saying anyone wants to though) pokerus: steroids of the pokemon world !
My sister got an Arcanine with PokeRus from the GTS too.

Her Vaporeon wouldn't get it until she reorganized her party, though. O_o
I've gotten it twice. The first time was in Gold with my Slowpoke (Which has sinc become one of my favorite Pokemon because of the incident) and the second time was in my Diamond when my Infernape was infected. It wouldn't spread to other Pokemon though...
I've gotten it three times I think. Once with a Gyarados in Gold, then with Mightyena in Ruby, and then a Goldeen or something. O_o;;
I once got that with my Lanturn and thought it was bad. I was like "OMG MY PRECIOUS LANTURN IS SICK ITS GONNA DIE!" Then I posted a thread and learned what it did, since I wasn't paying attention to Nurse Joy when she told me about Pokerus.
But good for you :D It can be useful.
Heh, nice. I remember my first Pokerus Pokemon. I forgot what it was, though. It was in Pokemon Ruby, though. It was some weak Pokemon. I went to heal my Pokemon, and, not reading, I just skipped through, when she began to say something about Pokerus. Then I read about it online, and I think the odds were even less than those of getting a shiny Pokemon.
Also, why do you people feel the need to hi-jack a thread with your own stories?

I'd say it's better than 12~ threads about the same thing?

Bulbapedia says Pokerus has about a third of the chance of seeing a shiny to show up. It's 1 in 21,845 as opposed to 1 in 8,192 for shinies, so congratulations on getting it. I have yet to get it.

Although with the 4th generation's Wi-Fi trading, I don't think it's much now...
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