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Search results

  1. Dewgongian

    plz don't be emo. i kill emos

    plz don't be emo. i kill emos
  2. Dewgongian

    I'm Jack_the_White, and I'm a Serebii quitter!

    You're lucky. I don't mind the lag, and Misc is full of lulz/good discussion. Many tell me to leave BUT I CAN'T. Serebii is like weed. Anyway hi.
  3. Dewgongian

    THERE'S SO MUCH TO BE HAPPY ABOUT i think i'm emo

    THERE'S SO MUCH TO BE HAPPY ABOUT i think i'm emo
  4. Dewgongian


    There's a lot to be happy about right now, IRL.
  5. Dewgongian


    My favourite show, Chuck (NBC) is back on! WHEE
  6. Dewgongian

    Why do people think that everyone wants to be "cool"

    Agreed. The modern scene kids all listen to emo music and wear black and shit now.
  7. Dewgongian

    BLUB, you're it :D

    BLUB, you're it :D
  8. Dewgongian

    The Emo Corner at school!

    I doubt they're friends. TheOtherOne defies what's "cool", I'm prepared to bet money they'll hate him.
  9. Dewgongian


    Wallet's a bit slim. Also, I want a 360. I know, I'm trying to get into the "next-gen" fad, but all I have is a Wii.
  10. Dewgongian

    A guy...

    It's OK *gives e-hug*
  11. Dewgongian

    The Emo Corner at school!

    I can't hold this out anymore. You joined a group of superficial, stupid kids that think they're cool, and you got kissed by two girls that are most likely whores and have horrible STDs that don't have fucking names yet. There's nothing cool about being "emo"; there never was. Face it: They're...
  12. Dewgongian

    A guy...

    that was me Good for you!
  13. Dewgongian

    The Emo Corner at school!

    I have so many sarcastic comments bursting out of me right now. But congrats on joining the scene kids.
  14. Dewgongian

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I lost! ROFLMFAO
  15. Dewgongian


    I've been wanting another ps2, so I finally has one. On the flipside, no memory card, so when I go to bed, I lose all my Soulcalibur 3 progress :sad:
  16. Dewgongian

    whee, vista

    My installation came without the effects :P And yes, it is a nuisance, but I just leave it on for security.
  17. Dewgongian

    whee, vista

    I have a 30GB HDD, didn't take up much space at all, thanks.
  18. Dewgongian


    How do you get the log?
  19. Dewgongian


  20. Dewgongian

    whee, vista

    Some people don't have money to buy a new computer every time Windows comes out with a new OS >_> It's quite fast, and looks great.
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