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The Emo Corner at school!

I would be, to an extent...
You would probably understand if you were a guy


That saddens me for some reason. So, because I'm male, I'm meant to enjoy an expression of romance with someone I've never met before nd have no romantic feelings towards?

EDIT; Oh, also, Jetx, you seem to have based that on the assumption that all males are attracted to females?
Actually I'm not. I just sometimes find it hard to pick up humour. Apologies.
A -used to be friend- I had is emo now. A lot of people has seen the scar on her wrist. When I heard I was like wtf? How can you just cut yourself like that? It's damn scary.

Not to mention I'm not on her good side....
Nah its not like that, happens all the time

@ everyone else, I don't live in Wales, Essex, near London
Just because it happens all the time doesn't make it any better. How old are you, you seem a little immature like part of the Disney Channel generation.

A -used to be friend- I had is emo now. A lot of people has seen the scar on her wrist. When I heard I was like wtf? How can you just cut yourself like that? It's damn scary.

Not to mention I'm not on her good side....
If people don't stop with the stupid stereotypes then I'm going to leave the feckin' Internet. Emo is not a culture or even a fashion, it's a stereotype, so-called 'emos' do not slash their wrists, in fact a psychiatric nurse against the alterophobic media, testified that in a psychiatric ward she worked in, only one in every ten self-harmers she treated was stereotyped as an 'emo' and that seven in every ten was a chav/scobe/scumbag/scummer/scanger (which is not a stereotype).
If people don't stop with the stupid stereotypes then I'm going to leave the feckin' Internet. Emo is not a culture or even a fashion, it's a stereotype, so-called 'emos' do not slash their wrists, in fact a psychiatric nurse against the alterophobic media, testified that in a psychiatric ward she worked in, only one in every ten self-harmers she treated was stereotyped as an 'emo' and that seven in every ten was a chav/scobe/scumbag/scummer/scanger (which is not a stereotype).

Alright, geez, but she cut her wrist anyway.
I can't hold this out anymore.

You joined a group of superficial, stupid kids that think they're cool, and you got kissed by two girls that are most likely whores and have horrible STDs that don't have fucking names yet. There's nothing cool about being "emo"; there never was. Face it: They're not cool. You're not cool.

You come to us expecting praise.
I can't hold this out anymore.

You joined a group of superficial, stupid kids that think they're cool, and you got kissed by two girls that are most likely whores and have horrible STDs that don't have fucking names yet. There's nothing cool about being "emo"; there never was. Face it: They're not cool. You're not cool.

You come to us expecting praise.

erm... sorry about that thats not actually what I meant by it...sorry ...:blank:
Last time I checked the Laughing Cupboard wasn't for shouting at people for having fun doing something you don't like.

I don't personally think too highly of it either but that is no reason to be so rude about it.
LOL. When I first read the post I was like "You got kissed by some 8,9 or 10 year old girls? WTF?" and then I read it again and I'm like "Ok. Sophomore, Junior and Seniors".
Whatever. Its funny to read what you people yell at each other.
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