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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Got a 680 on the first of 3 practice Chemistry SAT Subject Tests I have. With a bit more review, I should have no trouble getting over 700 on the actual test! Woohoo!
  2. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Just spent half an hour talking with my friend on facebook chat. I never chat randomly with people for even 10 minutes, let alone half an hour. And yet conversation topics never dried up. It was great~
  3. Ivy Newton


    I'll take it. "Come on, little Drifloon. Just follow me. You'll be out of here soon."
  4. Ivy Newton

    City Ruin

    Sure, I'll take it.
  5. Ivy Newton

    City Ruin

    I'll try the Tiny Tunnel. I do believe Nidoran can learn Rock Smash?
  6. Ivy Newton

    Volcanic Maze

    Right & Blue, please
  7. Ivy Newton

    DNA Database

    Since we're reading Dystopian Sci-Fi that almost exclusively has some tie-in to DNA and genetics in English class right now, this idea is making me imagine some sort of crazy suckish futuristic world. But if I actually start thinking logically I don't really see how it would be much of an issue.
  8. Ivy Newton

    Deep Sea Trench

    Sure, I'll take it.
  9. Ivy Newton

    The Run-Down Casino

    Eh, I'll go ahead and cash in my token for a Hoppip. EDIT: Oh and btw all you need to do to make Mime Jr. sprites show up is this: MimeJr MimeJr
  10. Ivy Newton

    Deep Sea Trench

    40000 metres with a sonar for a total of $11, please and thank you. *hesitantly steps into the submersible*
  11. Ivy Newton


    "Hey, you. Yeah, you. Guard person. Wanna make some easy money? Here's a buck, all you gotta do is let me in here. Sound good?" =P
  12. Ivy Newton

    The Run-Down Casino

    Cheater's Ball Roulette and 3 rounds of slots for $15 total, please.
  13. Ivy Newton

    The Decaying Forest

    Sure, I'll take a male Spinarak.
  14. Ivy Newton

    Black Lotus Forest

    I'll take the Murkrow.
  15. Ivy Newton

    The Decaying Forest

    Keep going, please.
  16. Ivy Newton

    Derelict Factory

    $3 for the North Side, please.
  17. Ivy Newton

    The Decaying Forest

    Keep going.
  18. Ivy Newton

    Black Lotus Forest

    Continue, please.
  19. Ivy Newton

    Steam Canyon

    I'll gladly take both the Eevee and the Nidoran Male =)
  20. Ivy Newton

    Steam Canyon

    $7 for one trip to the paths and one trip to the caves with a rental flashlight.
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