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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Planning a trip to tomato"
  2. Ivy Newton

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Mafia

    Okay! Only need one more person. If I don't get one in the next few days I'll try to make it work, but it would be much better with one more. Tell your friends! ...and sorry 'bout the double post...
  3. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    I saw "$10B" and instead of reading it as "10 billion dollars" I somehow got "10 petabytes"
  4. Ivy Newton

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Mafia

    Yeah, no Apollo Justice. I might end up pulling some characters from Justice For All, but for the most part it'll just be the original.
  5. Ivy Newton

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Mafia

    Yay, thanks for the suggestion! Looks perfect. I'll do that.
  6. Ivy Newton

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Mafia

    Let's give this a shot... There will be four factions, some with similar and some with opposing goals. Killers & Prosecution The prosecution wins if all the accused are dead at endgame. For the killers to win, both the accused and the defense must be dead at endgame. Although they are working...
  7. Ivy Newton

    Holiday Mafia [Day 3]

    Dammit I though for sure Richie was mafia! Well played... (sorry Richie D: )
  8. Ivy Newton

    Mafia Idea Center

    Ooooh I have an idea! Phoenix Wright mafia... so the mafia would be the real killers, and then everyone else would be innocent - but there'd be two innocent factions, the prosecution and the defense. I'm not entirely sure how it would work, but it might be fun. Anyone else think it'd be fun or...
  9. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "tiger cubs" as "tiger cube"
  10. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    " 'He tells you to get inside me this instant' as 'He tells you to get off the internet' " Double misreading!
  11. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Sentry" as "Sentret" I was like "oh cool my new boots are sentret boots!" Although I'm not quite sure what makes them sentry boots either.
  12. Ivy Newton

    Holiday Mafia [Day 3]

    Re: Holiday Mafia [Day 1] I still want an answer to my question but yeah abstain is probably the best choice right now.
  13. Ivy Newton

    Holiday Mafia [Day 3]

    Re: Holiday Mafia [Day 1] Really lynching doesn't tend to do much of any good on the first night no matter what. Why are you so eager to lynch someone anyways?
  14. Ivy Newton

    Holiday Mafia [Day 3]

    Re: Holiday Mafia [Day 1] ^ The question, though, is who would we lynch? And what if we lynched someone important? At this point I'd say the odds are against us doing any good by lynching.
  15. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Fine Jewelry" as "Time Jewelry" ... like watches?
  16. Ivy Newton

    Like I said though, scores aren't everything. English/History/Art are all HL. My school doesn't...

    Like I said though, scores aren't everything. English/History/Art are all HL. My school doesn't offer HL math or science, or I would be doing that instead. I must say I don't really know what they're looking for, but I think actually they'd find it quite interesting if you started a Pokémon...
  17. Ivy Newton

    I'm not famous! Hehe :D No AP, school doesn't have it. IB instead. Senior year...

    I'm not famous! Hehe :D No AP, school doesn't have it. IB instead. Senior year: Math/Physics/Chinese/English/European History/Visual Art/Theory of Knowledge. SAT: 2390 ACT: 36 and 790s on Math 2/Physics/Literature subject tests. And with a score at least about 2000 or so they'd likely overlook...
  18. Ivy Newton

    Hehe :) Actually said program does accept international students (from some countries at least)...

    Hehe :) Actually said program does accept international students (from some countries at least) There's not no hope! If you're only a sophomore there's plenty of time left to work on your SAT score, and if your grades and extracurriculars and recommendations and essays are good then you'd...
  19. Ivy Newton

    Haha nope it's not a joke! :D You can see the objective and subjective stats of me and a bunch...

    Haha nope it's not a joke! :D You can see the objective and subjective stats of me and a bunch of other people who got accepted here. Just keep doing what you're doing, and show your passion for the sciences. Autographs are hard to give over the internet. Haha when are you applying? You're...
  20. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Sweet'n Salty" as "Sexuality"
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