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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    So I just read "Incorrection" as "Objection" Misreading within a misreading within a misreading? (Quick! Someone misread something I wrote! Misreading within a misreading within a misreading within a misreading within...)
  2. Ivy Newton


    So. Today. Background: There's this guy, let's call him S, in my art class. For some reason, he likes drawing babies. Sitting in the art room and class is about to start. This girl, E, comes in and says she has a present for S. S comes in and E's like "close your eyes and I'll give you your...
  3. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Celtics" as "cocks". To be fair, it was from a distance and my eyesight is pretty horrible even with glasses. Also I'm really fucking exhausted, which probably contributed.
  4. Ivy Newton


    Okay, this is only sort of at school, but it still counts. The class is "Humanities". A bunch of genius science nerds are busily discussing Frankenstein and what it means to be a monster. And he KEPT BRINGING IT UP. Like every day. And it was funny because it was like this serious discussion...
  5. Ivy Newton

    Bank of TCoD

  6. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Go Selenium, the Finneon! He can't have much longer to go, so just go at him with all you've got. Surf will be easiest. Surf x3
  7. Ivy Newton

    No problem, just reminding you.

    No problem, just reminding you.
  8. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    No real point in chilling, let's just go on the offensive. Use Toxic until it hits, then use Night Slash. Also, I'd like to add a mountain at B12 Toxic ~ Toxic / Night Slash ~ Toxic / Night Slash Mountain B12
  9. Ivy Newton

    DQ time is tomorrow for our battle... it's your turn, might want to get on that.

    DQ time is tomorrow for our battle... it's your turn, might want to get on that.
  10. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Carbonated water" as "concentrated water" I'm... not quite sure how that would work.
  11. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Hmm... You're running rather low on energy, so start with a Chill. Then Night Slash. Chill ~ Night Slash ~ Night Slash
  12. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    DREAM EATER! If he wakes up, use Night Slash. Dream Eater/Night Slash x3
  13. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Didn't foresee Stone Edge being able to hit... Alright Niobium, at least you got some energy back. This mountain thing isn't really going to work out that well, though, if he can still hit you while you're in there. I'll remove the mountain at B13, then I want you to Yawn and see if you can get...
  14. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Great job, Niobium! You're running a little low on energy and health, though, so let's get you patched up. Start by running as fast as you can to space A13 (inside the mountains) so you have some protection (note: once she's there, I'd like to add a mountain at A14). Once you're there, Chill for...
  15. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Great, Niobium! While you've still got some clones around, Chill for a bit to regain some energy. Then, keep hitting him with Shadow Ball. Chill ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball
  16. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Start with Toxic, then Double Team on the second action. If Toxic didn't hit the first time, use that on your third action, and if it did, use Shadow Ball. Also I'd like to start the train car moving towards the opposite corner. Toxic ~ Double Team ~ Toxic/Shadow Ball Train START
  17. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Great job, Niobium! Just keep up the Shadow Balls for the next round. Shadow Ball x3 Mountain B14
  18. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Okay Niobium, follow him and try to hit him with a Toxic. Once it hits, just... finish up with however many Shadow Balls you need to fill the round. Toxic ~ Toxic / Shadow Ball ~ Toxic / Shadow Ball Mountain B12
  19. Ivy Newton

    How do you eat pizza?

    I apply the same philosophy, but for me the crust is the best part. Oh and I remembered another quirk of my pizza eating. If it has toppings that I'm a particular fan of (kalamata olives come to mind) I'll begin by picking off the most delicious looking bit of said topping and putting it to the...
  20. Ivy Newton

    Phantom vs. Newton (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Great Job Niobium! We've got the advantage for now, so just keep using Dream Eater. If he wakes up at any point, hit him with a Toxic then if there are still actions left after that, just use Shadow Ball. Mountain to B13, no train controls for now. Dream Eater / Toxic ~ Dream Eater / Toxic /...
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