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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    The Decaying Forest

    Thicket for $2, please.
  2. Ivy Newton

    Black Lotus Forest

    $5 for the Dark Forest, please and thank you.
  3. Ivy Newton

    Primary Village

    Sure, why not. Here's the $3 you ordered.
  4. Ivy Newton

    Your PC

    MUMEI'S PC Pokémon Raticate-f Nidoranm Magnemite Cloyster Eevee Totodile Spinarak Hoppip Murkrow Smoochum Drifloon MimeJr #020 || Raticate || Female #032 || Nidoran || Male #081 || Magnemite #091 || Cloyster || Female #133 || Eevee || Male #158 || Totodile || Male #167 || Spinarak || Male...
  5. Ivy Newton

    The Bank

    Account and Totodile, please.
  6. Ivy Newton

    background image

    I'm pretty sure you can't have multiple background images. Try editing them together in the pattern you want in paint or whatever you use and then use that as your background.
  7. Ivy Newton

    The Claim Game

    I claim all you peoples' claims.
  8. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Magcargo is the only one with quarter damage taken from fire attacks rather than half damage?
  9. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    CORRECT. Perhaps that hint was too obvious =P Anyways, good job + your turn nao.
  10. Ivy Newton

    What's Visual Basic?

    I do believe that would fall into the already covered "ease of use" category. Obviously people wouldn't use a language if they couldn't figure it out. But many not-so-popular languages are fine in that regard, so... moot point.
  11. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    No, that's not it either. HINT: (balloon, narrow, summer) What do those words have in common?
  12. Ivy Newton

    What's Visual Basic?

    Except for the small fact that this has no relation to programming languages, because (as sreservoir said below) it's easy to 'teach' a computer a new language - and once you've done that, you're purely concerned with the ease of use of the language. Programming languages make no difference to...
  13. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Again, no. Want a hint?
  14. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Still no. I honestly didn't realize how many possibilities there were =O
  15. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Not one of these is correct. It's not really about the attributes that would actually matter to a trainer and/or pokéfanatic. Again, let me know if you want a hint.
  16. Ivy Newton

    What's Visual Basic?

    I dunno, I've heard from many sources that Python is the easiest language to learn. A good intro to programming and whatnot.
  17. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Again, nope. Though I am kinda surprised the one about Magikarp not being normal type wasn't the first one guessed. Seems to be the most obvious to me. Let me know if you want a hint, though I may not be able to post again for a few days. I totally didn't even realize how many possibilities...
  18. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Neither of those are right. In fact, neither of them are even remotely close. Good thinking, though. Obscure reason ftw =3
  19. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    YAY XD furretmagikarpswellowditto
  20. Ivy Newton

    Odd One Out

    Duskull is the only one whose shiny form isn't yellow~ And if that's incorrect, yes I would like the answer =3
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