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Search results

  1. Edoc'sil

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9/10 Out of all the games in your signature, I've not yet played only Mega Man and don't recognize which game is next to Sonic.
  2. Edoc'sil

    The Son of the Pokemon Strategy Game

    Steelix used Earthquake!
  3. Edoc'sil

    Rate the User Title above you!

    10/10, I can't really critique a Homestuck-related user title.
  4. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    6/10 I recognize it as a Homestuck troll, but can't remember its name. As far as the Gengar, I have better ones used in other forums. I like to not use the same ones multiple times.
  5. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    9/10 N-Sicott is very awesome, although I can't understand the Japanese. Too bad for me.
  6. Edoc'sil

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    You, too? Yay! Your signature is awesome; I survived the Marquee of Doom but wasn't able to understand the trading sequence one. I know it has something to do with regions, but oh well.
  7. Edoc'sil

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9/10 I remember first seeing the Obamasnow picture when a mod posted it on psypokes; hilarious then, hilarious now.
  8. Edoc'sil

    Have you ever had a Pokémon that saved your E4 run?

    Re: Have you ever had a Pokémon that saved your E4 run? On my first ever playthrough of Sapphire, I just barely got to Steven's last Pokemon-- Cradily. My Raichu with ~50 HP and Blaziken with ~150. Raichu missed an Iron Tail, Cradily got a crit, K.O Raichu. Blaziken missed a Blaze Kick, Cradily...
  9. Edoc'sil

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    You're on PF, which is where I do the great majority of my talking with forum-friends. I was going to split it between here and there, but due to the server being constantly down... Heck, if they set up a fund to update it so it didn't overload so much, I'd donate. But anyway! Squirtle was the...
  10. Edoc'sil

    Rate the User Title above you!

    8/10 Stickers are awesome. And if that's a reference to something, it's unfortunately lost on me.
  11. Edoc'sil

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    The Legend of Zelda link in your sig has put me on to a previously prematurely ended kick for the series. The same few Legend of Zelda songs have been coming through my computer speakers for the past few days (Link to the Past Symphonic Movement, Wind Waker symphonic movement, Gerudo Valley...
  12. Edoc'sil

    Rate the song above you

    4/10 Way too far from my own tastes for me to ever enjoy it, methinks. Aside from rap (I shudder to even type that treacherous three-lettered syllable) I'm not sure if it can get much further at all, really. But I can tell why someone would enjoy it, so 4. 25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago.
  13. Edoc'sil

    Favorite Quotes

    "We can't let 'what if' scenarios destroy our abilities to make decisions. We have to do what we think is right and just go with it." --Misfile "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." --Abraham Lincoln "We can't argue with all the fools in...
  14. Edoc'sil

    Misreadings and stuff

    Misread 'pens' as 'penis'.
  15. Edoc'sil

    Can video games be considered art?

    I just came from a thread with an identical topic on another forum. But anyway, after this link was posted, there wasn't as much left to debate. I mean, video games made it into an art museum.
  16. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    7/10 Homestuck (yay!), but not Gamzee.
  17. Edoc'sil

    The Son of the Pokemon Strategy Game

    Mawile used Iron Head!
  18. Edoc'sil

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    It's from Eragon, but Cthulhu is pretty darn great, too. I spent no less than ninety seconds staring at that .gif in your signature laughing my rear end off. Bravo, sir, bravo.
  19. Edoc'sil

    You're Banned

    Banned because I just looked it up and now I know why it's familiar-- I used to watch it a few years ago.
  20. Edoc'sil

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    Everyone here enjoys proper grammar, although that's a somewhat rare occurrence on the internet currently! Yay! You changed your avatar to an even cooler one.
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