• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Search results

  1. P

    hay bby how u doin ;]

    We'll see. Welcome, I suppose.
  2. P

    Musical Instruments you play

    Guitar and I'm going to purchase a keytar in a few months.
  3. P

    iPokemon forum~

    But, the thing is, it's just a forum.
  4. P

    Homework survey!~

    B, C, B, E.
  5. P


    When you send a Private Message, it should send you to this page.
  6. P

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    I'm fond of Departure Song.
  7. P

    My supersplice

    it looks the same EDIT: woops i totally misread the quote sorry guys I have failed you.
  8. P

    only people with 50+ posts or so should be able to make new threads in the advertising forum

    Plus, some people may register only to advertise their forum, shitty or not.
  9. P


  10. P

    Favorite Browser?

    Mozilla Firefox.
  11. P

    Thread updating

    Go to edit post, there's an option for deletion. :)
  12. P

    What are you reading?

    Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare.
  13. P

    Thread updating

    Probably just a bug, those things tend to fix themselves.
  14. P

    If you were an admin here...

    haww Sorry VPLJ
  15. P

    If you were an admin here...

    No, that was a /b/ raid.
  16. P


    went to church :(
  17. P

    If you were an admin here...

    yo you wanna take this shit outside
  18. P

    Easter Vacation?

    Mine starts today, with Good Friday tomorrow, and a week of reading Romeo and Juliet.
  19. P

    If you were an admin here...

    I'd lock shit threads.
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