• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

hay bby how u doin ;]


New member
C://vital stats
Age: 18

Place: Atlanta

Personality: Too witty for my own good half the time, complete slacker, easy going

Hobbies: LOL INTERNET, writing, role playing, Pokemon, making fun of Korean boy bands, vocaloids <33

Preferred music genres: Chiptune, Gamewave, electro, Korean boy bands, Japanese rock, some hip-hop[just Snoop lolol], classical, swing, old school rap, vocaloids

Nintendo vs Sony vs Microsoft: Nintendo all the way D<

Favorite video game series atm: Resident Evil

Likes: Josei manga, dicking around on the internet, dicking around in general, video games, you, yaoi, Naruto, Pokemon [obv]

Dislikes: TWATLIGHT OMFG. uber Narutards, noobs in general, ignorance

Yus. I don't have anything to say so I'm just posting random info about myself. It'll come in handy later I guess 8Dv
*monotoned voice; reading a card* hello and welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies, and I am Magnemite of the un-official greeters of this place

*normal voice* aaaaanyways, Have fun here and don't eat too much CoD or T!
Welcome to the forums, i'm Darkarmour the guy who makes the tea. I like you.
You're epic. Seriously. xDD
Welcome. It seems like we have a lot of likes(and dislikes) in common. Heh.
Well hi~
U dislikez me?

is a twitard and narutard

Anyways, hiiii~ Dun expect much more, since you hate my two favorist things (besides Pokemon and my BFF who is also a twitard)
U dislikez me?

is a twitard and narutard

Anyways, hiiii~ Dun expect much more, since you hate my two favorist things (besides Pokemon and my BFF who is also a twitard)

I'm a Narutard too. Only I keep myself in check. I've got my Deidara, Orochimaru and Sauke plushies too you know >.>;;
loool It's actually not that hard. Just boil tapioca pearls, make the tea and bam. You've technically got bubble tea.
Uhm, I'm not changing my likes or dislikes to suit everyone's tastes. I don't like Twilight. Simple as that. You're going to have to deal with it :|
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