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Search results

  1. Z

    Safari Zone ?

    Safari Zone ?
  2. Z

    Pokeboard ASB deal

    I apoligize, I'm just trying to see what the best choice would be. If this is annoying everyone AND NOT ONLY YOU!!! I'll won't put my 2 cents in this thread anymore.
  3. Z

    Pokeboard ASB deal

    we could have our asb return at any time though
  4. Z

    Pokeboard ASB deal

    I think both http://www.pokesun.com & http://pokeboard.com may be worth signing up for.
  5. Z

    Dragons' Den

    Please may i try for $4 unlimited ?
  6. Z

    I've been wanting & waiting to try your Zone in the Safari Zone

    I've been wanting & waiting to try your Zone in the Safari Zone
  7. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  8. Z

    Pokeboard ASB deal

    i currently am un-sure what forum is better should we try http://www.Pokesun.com or http://www.Pokeboard.com the choice is ours to make, but i may sign up for both Pokesun & Pokeboard. Then decide which is the better one ( there's too many to choose from )
  9. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  10. Z

    The Black Market

    thank you EDIT: ASB isn't open right now, sorry! Even if it was, you'd need to sign up for the league to take them, and those pokemon were claimed quite a while ago.
  11. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  12. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  13. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  14. Z

    Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

    Re: Aqua Land Ignore
  15. Z

    Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

    Re: Aqua Land Catch the Female Azurrill
  16. Z

    Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

    Re: Aqua Land please continue
  17. Z

    You're Banned

    Your Banned for having Espeon in your Banner instead of the Epic Umbreon
  18. Z

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  19. Z

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a Persian in goes the entire Detroit Lions football team
  20. Z

    how are you doing ? ( i hope i can continue my adventure in your safari zone soon ) but you need...

    how are you doing ? ( i hope i can continue my adventure in your safari zone soon ) but you need to feel better first its no fun not being able to do anything
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