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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land

The OP says it's ocean only, so you don't.

-No inventory-
Aqua Balls: 10

You spot a male Marril splashing around. Catch or ignore?
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Re: Aqua Land

-No inventory-
Aqua Balls: 10

A group of male and female Azurril are mucking about in a pond. You can only catch one of them before the rest flee.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Azurril (F)
Aqua Balls: 9

poliwhirl (M)

A Poliwhirl is playing with a Water Stone. Catch, take Water Stone, or catch and take the Water Stone?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

This place rocks! Okay, um... Glacier, I suppose, with my Zangoose.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 10
Pokémon: None.
Companion: zangoose


As you enter the frozen landscape, you clutch your parka's hood. A playful Snover comes close, happily skipping in the frigid climate. Catch, or ignore?
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 10
Pokémon: None.
Companion: zangoose


As you nudge the Snover away, a Vanillite appears before you, gleefully playing with snowflakes.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 10
Pokémon: None.
Companion: zangoose


You walk past the Vanillite, deciding to not disturb her fun time. A blur rushes past you; when it stops, you notice it's a Sneasel with a significantly shorter pink ear than usual. You stay staring at it, a standoff between you and the Pokémon.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 10
Pokémon: None.
Companion: zangoose


The Sneasel dashes off deeper into the desolate landscape. You trudge on, encountering a Medicham deep in meditation, balanced on an icicle.
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