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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: Medicham (M).
Companion: zangoose


Zangoose scrapes the base of the icicle with his claws. In the blink of an eye, you whip out an Aqua Ball and throw it at the Medicham. One, two, three times it wobbles, with a satisfying ping at the end. You notice a Swinub poking her head out of a crevice.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: Medicham (M).
Companion: zangoose


The Swinub quickly back to her den, startled by a Smoochum skipping past her home.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Dayum son my scale hate you.

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: Medicham (M).
Companion: zangoose


The Smoochum skips off into the sunset In a nearby pool, a Seel splashes around and swats ice floes with her tail.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


Yep, I can tell. I'm just going to keep ignoring until I get something... not bad.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Oh, boy.

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: Medicham (M).
Companion: zangoose


You see another Smoochum, this one making snow angels.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: Medicham (M).
Companion: zangoose


A solitary Abomasnow stares into the vast landscape.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 8
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F).
Companion: zangoose


Throwing another Ball, it falls to the ground. Satisfied, you pick it up and place it inside the one containing Medicham. An adorable little Piplup waddles nearby.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 7
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F).
Companion: zangoose


Another ball is thrown, and another Pokémon is added to your collection. Suddenly, something falls from a nearby ice arch. Upon further inspection, it's just a wild Bergmite.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 7
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F).
Companion: zangoose


The Medicham kicks you in the shins before running off. You notice a strange white smoke. You sniff it, detecting a sweet smell. You follow it until you catch up with the smoke's source, a Vanilluxe.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

This one was 2,392 away from being shiny. :P

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F).
Companion: zangoose


You add another monster to your cache. A Sneasel appears, sleeping on the ground.
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


Also, the Shiny chance doesn't have to be so high in the Safari Zones, if I recall. Mine is only a 1 in 200 chance.
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