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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F).
Companion: zangoose


You tiptoe past the slumbering Sneasel. A Sealeo is playfully rolling in the snow.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F).
Companion: zangoose


The Sealeo keeps rolling around in the frost as you march on. A Vanillish curiously comes towards you.
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F).
Companion: zangoose


The Vanillish becomes bored of you and promptly leaves. An Abomasnow barrels in your direction, the ground shaking with each step.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

6 away from a very rare...

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F).
Companion: zangoose


You hide behind a small cluster of icicles, letting the Abomasnow continue his charge. Out of nowhere, a Froslass materializes, startling you..
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

You got another Rare by two points. Someone sacrificed their plushes to the RNG Gods, hmm?

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F).
Companion: zangoose


On a reflex, you throw an Aqua Ball. The startled Froslass metamorphoses into a beam of energy. You feel a poke on your coat. Turning, you see that a Delibird is smiling at you.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

That's a blank link.

You got a one. If this was the shiny roll, you would've lucked out.

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F).
Companion: zangoose


The Delibird flies away, but not before dropping a chunk of ice. Upon closer inspection, it's a NeverMeltIce. Another similar, albeit bigger chunk of ice is close by. It turns around, revealing it was a Bergmite all along.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Taking the NeverMeltIce.

Also, I fixed the link.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

I wanna enter this safari zone thingy. In the river.
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

I will buy that from you with all of the money ever made.

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F).
Items: NeverMeltIce.
Companion: zangoose


The Bergmite skitters away. You continue on your journey when you encounter yet another Snover.

Aqua Balls: 10


You begin your journey in the river. You duck to inspect some bushes, and you hear a clomp and a rush of wind on your hair. Fearfully, you turn to see a humongous Crawdaunt.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

...sigh. Ignoring.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

RNG don't lie. *zsnap*
it also loves you too

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F).
Items: NeverMeltIce.
Companion: zangoose


The Snover skips off. A Vanillish appears out of nowhere.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

you were 8 away from shiny

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F).
Items: NeverMeltIce.
Companion: zangoose


The Vanillish vanishes just as quickly. An intimidating Glalie appears before your eyes.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

you've been one away from absol twice what

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F).
Items: NeverMeltIce.
Companion: zangoose


Another foreboding Glalie comes before you.
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