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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Is that so?

Well, I'm going to catch the Delibird; does that give me the Ice Gem, too? I'm going to catch it anyway, but Ice Gems are good.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F), delibird (F), amaura (F).
Items: NeverMeltIce, Ice Gem.
Owe: $25
Companion: zangoose


did you sacrifice a goats
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Nope, I want the Delibird. And the Amaura! Catching and then moving to the River.
EDIT: Well, I might go to the River depending on how much I owe. .-.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F), piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F), delibird (F), amaura (F).
Items: NeverMeltIce, Ice Gem.
Owe: $25
Companion: zangoose


This thing will kill you soon if you don't shrug it off/catch it.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


Twenty-five isn't bad.
EDIT: I'd like to pay you for my Pokémon so I can put them in the PC, please.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Sure can do.
Uncommons: Medicham (M), abomasnow (F)= $6
Rares: piplup (F), Vanilluxe (F), froslass (F), delibird (F), amaura (F) =$20.
Items: NeverMeltIce, Ice Gem.
Total: $26

Off by a dollar earlier, hope that doesn't bother you.

Aqua Balls: 3
Pokémon: gyarados (F)
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $3


A Ducklett waddles nearby.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 3
Pokémon: gyarados (F)
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $3


An Azumarill tackles your Zangoose, roughing him up.

Two uncommons in a row, not bad.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Cool! Catching.

The only thing about catching things other than commons is that they add up. :(
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

that's the point
it rolled the same for both the rarity determining number and the shiny number what

Aqua Balls: 3
Pokémon: gyarados (F)
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $3


Quack goes the Ducklett.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


You forgot to add Azumarill to my "Caught" tab.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

wow, just... wow.

Aqua Balls: 2
Pokémon: gyarados (F), azumarill
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $6


This Ducklett's a boy. :3
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

One away from shiny... Sweet Jesus have mercy on your soul...

Aqua Balls: 2
Pokémon: gyarados (F), azumarill
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $6


An Azurill hops on by.
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Nah I'll Ignore. And, umm... I feel really bad, but I need enough money to start up my own safari zone, so I'll have to leave, but as soon as I make at least a little money off of it, I'll come back here.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

OHOHO it is so cute, but I am sorry darling, I must forsake you to catch your father. Swim away, be free!
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 2
Pokémon: gyarados (F), azumarill
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $6


Yet another crab comes up to you, recognizing your worth as a fresh water sissy sailor. This time, it's a Corphish.
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