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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 3

A female Prinplup appears.
You see a

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M), Gyarados (M), Golduck (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle, Oran Berry, Salac Berries
Aqua Balls: 1

A boy Goldeen is taking a piss.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 2

You see a tiny crack in the ice. Open it more?
Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 2

You see a frozen female Absol.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F), Absol (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 1

You see some Spheal throwing a party. You can catch male and female.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 3

A female Prinplup appears.
You see a

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M), Gyarados (M), Golduck (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle, Oran Berry, Salac Berries
Aqua Balls: 1

A boy Goldeen is taking a piss.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M), Gyarados (M), Golduck (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle, Oran Berry, Salac Berries
Aqua Balls: 1

You see a male Ducklett.
Re: Aqua Land


Edit: What about me
Last edited:
Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F), Absol (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 1

You see some Spheal throwing a party. You can catch male and female.

Pass, also how much are more balls?
(that's what she said)
Re: Aqua Land

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F), Absol (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 3

You see a Jedi female Medicham.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M), Gyarados (M), Golduck (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle, Oran Berry, Salac Berries
Aqua Balls: 1

You see a male Seaking skewering Magikarp.

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F), Absol (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 3

You see a female Swinub.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M), Gyarados (M), Golduck (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle, Oran Berry, Salac Berries
Aqua Balls: 1

You see a male Seaking skewering Magikarp.

Pokemon: Sneasel (F), Eevee (F), Piloswine shiny (M), Vanilluxe (F), Glaceon (M), Cubchoo (F), Absol (M), Prinplup (F), Absol (F)
Inventory: Bond picture, Cake, $2, .69 Fedelton
Aqua Balls: 3

You see a female Swinub.

Eh pass
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