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Search results

  1. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    ((Accepted. Blizzard becomes the leader when she joins(which has already happened so yeah.) So she is the tecnical leader, it's like an unspoken deal. I can't explain it well.))
  2. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    (Permission granted.)
  3. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    (PM me with the idea. NOW. >3*shotshot*)
  4. Shadowstar

    Open The RPer's strike outpost

    ( I vote they try to take over the world. ;3 *shot*) Moonshine was curled up happily in the sunlight, Jewelstar peering into the distance. Shadow was doing nothing in particular, and Neptune was still asleep. With a sigh, Moonshine un curled herself and Solar Eclipsed Neptune, who jumped and...
  5. Shadowstar

    Open The RPer's strike outpost

    Moonshine from Splices' Peril. Neptune from Team Star 1 and 2. Blizzard fron Team Legend. Shadow from Kira's Return. Jewelstar from Tiger's Plot. More later.:D
  6. Shadowstar


    Oh hey there~! I'm Shadowstar, who is designed in the form of a cat. A black cat with a ginger v-shape and tail tip with blue eyes. Enjoy your stay at TCoD! Um... Have a lazer vision module. :D
  7. Shadowstar

    Open Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Team Legend

    Blizzard picked an oran berry and brought it over to where she could eat alone. I wonder why they aren't coming after me yet... she wondered.
  8. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    ((We complete it. Then we'll complete the main plot... Then I'll work on the threequel. Um... I don't think there's anything relevent Neptune could be doing right now.))
  9. Shadowstar

    Favourite spriting.

    SPLICING. IS. WIN. My favorite Pokémon to use are mainly the very hard ones, namely Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, and Giratina. My next fave's are Lucario and Absol. :D Everything looks good with Darkrai's colors, if used correctly.
  10. Shadowstar

    Roleplaying 'pet peeves'

    Hey now, Played out personality is awsome, especiasllly for people who have a hard time sticking to personalities. Like me. It feels so... limited. Also, I realized that I hate absolutely rediculous things such as " (character name here) can fly without wings and has laser vision that turns...
  11. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    I got into spriting after seeing Butterfree's sprites and I wanted to do stuff like that... :D My first sprite was Dialga and Palkia mixes. Both ways, Dalkia and Pialga. *shoooootttt* Not good.
  12. Shadowstar

    Roleplaying 'pet peeves'

    -Bad grammar. - Railroading. -Mary-sues/Gary-stus. -When insted of making their character creative, they use one from an anime. - When people obsess about how literate their RP is. -Reserving. -Having to put pointless things in the form/post to get accepted. Would we be joining if we didn't...
  13. Shadowstar


    Oh hey there! *really wants to type "O HAI THAR" but that would be improper* I'm Shadowstar, lover of RPs with a grand total of 44 that I am a memeber of~! I like Death Note, Code Geass, drawing manga/anime, Role Playing, welcoming people to "tea cod" (in my words TCoD), spriting, writing...
  14. Shadowstar


    Oh hi there~! *would say O HAI THAR if it were proper* I'm Shadowstar, an RP Addict. Not nearly as much as other people though, I'm only in 44. I like Warriors, Spriting(awsome avi, by the way.), hanging out, RPing, writing although I haven't written anything decent in AGES, critisizing...
  15. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    I'm kinda new, I'm on Twilight. Did you start with the first series(Into the Wild, Fire and Ice, Forest of Secrets, ect), (may I call you Squirtle?) Squitle?
  16. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    I'm going to tear this apart using critisism! Okay, I admit, it's better than your normal stuff, but not much. The shading is a bit off, fix that by moving it to where it's sopposed to be. The outlines are one solid color, that's a no. You have to use different shades in it. Also, the lines on...
  17. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    I voted for Blackstar and Tallstar. Why? Because in my eyes, So yeah.
  18. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    *facepalm* If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times over in my head. *takes deep breath* Why would we have to accually use that if we can very well make our own pallettes and really use the eye dropper tool in general? We can get a gengar sprite anywhere and pull the colors from that...
  19. Shadowstar

    Mine is Tigerstar. And please use proper grammar. PLEASE.

    Mine is Tigerstar. And please use proper grammar. PLEASE.
  20. Shadowstar

    SPRITERS NEEDED (different game)

    This. And this. Anyway, I could probroly make the dragon-type Eeveeloution, but it'll probroly have to be like a splice that's recolored and scrached at some parts.
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