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SPRITERS NEEDED (different game)

Terry. T.

I've done a new thread for this, and this round, it's NOT 50's style, it's more D/P ish.
I need:
Pikachu evo w/spikes and like a hedgehog
Red Dragon Eevee evo
Toxicroak Water/Poison evo
Mantine Water/Fire evo w/Levitate
Carvanha preevo (Fire/Water)
Heracross evo (Bug/Ground) and preevo (Bug/Fighting)

And lots of Johto evolutions.
I want a few cute Pokémon, and Calculator/DVD etc. based Pokémon.
The main legend in Pokémon Wrath is Kontan, a pheonix (Dragon/Fighting)
And human based Pokémon would be sweet.

I'll get on with the mapping, although I can't use most other tools.

Let's do this!
What happened to the last one?

anyway its not in the list but do you wanna use some of these.

I know they suck, did them a long time ago.
Solrock/Lunatone Evo.

Plusle/Minum Evo.

Houndoom Evo. (NOT MADE BY ME)

Wingull alt.Evo.


You may use any of these as long as you create the back sprite.
Terry...why couldn't you have used the older thread? Also, how are we to know when or even if this game will be finished?

EDIT: He means the sprite is to big. Make a smaller one.
What is the point of this, exactly?

A new region/game/whatever doesn't just have Pokemon, you need an new map, a new set of Gym Leaders, a new set of antagonists, a new Elite Four and a new Champion, and two new protagonists as well as a new mentor(Professor insert name here), a new rival and a way to incorporate the four canon regions into the game.

I highly doubt you can do that when you can't even take criticism on your sprites. If you want to make a game, make the sprites yourself. You're only going to waste everyone's time if you decide to quit because hacking's become too hard for you.
Also, I have to say I don't really like the type additions/removals. Why does Heracross lose its Fighting type (Which really is the only thing that distinguishes it from other Bug types) for Ground? And why is the Carvanha Pre-Evo part fire?
Woah... a 5c. You can do anything. when you get a 5b you can hack the bloody government.

well done there...

I agree with the type changes.

Yes, but somehow I don't see how a Fighting type changes into a Ground one, and a Fire one into a Dark one.

DarkArmour, was that first part supposed to be sarcasm? I'm not too sure.
It's fine, he didn't know it was my Pokésona. But it's true that if you're giving someone sprites for them to use, be sure the sprites are yours, otherwise it could lead to a problem.

This isn't sprite theft, but I'm guessing that this is what it feels like. But no harm done, Objection!.
What is the point of this, exactly?

A new region/game/whatever doesn't just have Pokemon, you need an new map, a new set of Gym Leaders, a new set of antagonists, a new Elite Four and a new Champion, and two new protagonists as well as a new mentor(Professor insert name here), a new rival and a way to incorporate the four canon regions into the game.

I highly doubt you can do that when you can't even take criticism on your sprites. If you want to make a game, make the sprites yourself. You're only going to waste everyone's time if you decide to quit because hacking's become too hard for you.

superyoshi888 said:
Terry...why couldn't you have used the older thread? Also, how are we to know when or even if this game will be finished?
And this.

Anyway, I could probroly make the dragon-type Eeveeloution, but it'll probroly have to be like a splice that's recolored and scrached at some parts.
Terry, unless you give us some evidence that you actually have planned this out further than "I need sprites" then nobody has any reason to give sprites to you.
What happened to the last one?

anyway its not in the list but do you wanna use some of these.

I know they suck, did them a long time ago.
Solrock/Lunatone Evo.

Plusle/Minum Evo.

Houndoom Evo. (NOT MADE BY ME)

Wingull alt.Evo.


You may use any of these as long as you create the back sprite.
OBJECTION! I've seen that Wingull alt before. Also, there's a wide difference of style in the sprites you posted-- The Minusle and Solunatone are much less advanced than those whales.

You're a nice person and all, but I smell a thief.

And Terry, learn to make games and at least attempt to make these sprites yourself. Nothing but good will come of trying to scratch.
I'd like to see some proof that you actually can hack and this project is actually going to go somewhere before I spend MY free time making sprites for YOUR game. Please and thank you.
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