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Search results

  1. Shadowstar

    Open Save the Underlings

    Name: Azilia Species: Azelf Gender Preference: Female Personality: Azilia is very kind and cheerful, but is easly angered. She likes to help others. Special Appearance?: Eyes are a slightly darker golden yellow. Other: No, but a pairing could be nice, if we're allowed to have those.
  2. Shadowstar

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    They shouldn't be phrased, it's just grabbing a screenshot, putting little black circles for the shadows, and/or using the paint brush tool to make a hyperbeam/some other attack. Also, what did he say when I critisized the pallete thing? I wasn't here, I was asleep. Anyway, I'm trying to figure...
  3. Shadowstar


  4. Shadowstar


  5. Shadowstar

    No, I don't want to meet you on, I'm splicing Absol with Lucario and I'll just call you. ^^

    No, I don't want to meet you on, I'm splicing Absol with Lucario and I'll just call you. ^^
  6. Shadowstar

    Okay. ^^

    Okay. ^^
  7. Shadowstar

    Yeah, I really should start spriting again.^^ Oh and scince you like spriting, you should...

    Yeah, I really should start spriting again.^^ Oh and scince you like spriting, you should totally check out the Spriter's Club.
  8. Shadowstar

    I got Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of time. I'm a pikachu named Lightning and my partner's...

    I got Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of time. I'm a pikachu named Lightning and my partner's a Turtwig named Twiggy. ^^ And a question, should I re-open my sprite shop?
  9. Shadowstar

    O hey thar~!

    O hey thar~!
  10. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    ((Nobody really controls a Galactic member and I don't want to.))
  11. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Sure." said Neptune, drifting back down to the ground and turning into human form. She quickly ran into the building ahead of Lightning.
  12. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    Neptune swiftly took the advantage of Sean looking distracted by the lightning bolt that Lightning dropped. "I won't tell a soul" she muttered before firing an Ice Beam at Sean.
  13. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    (Accepted~! And sure, we need more Team Galactic members.(And humans in general, really)) "Grrr... You're gonna get-- Ouch!" she said, the Croagunk running into her. She decided to take the areal approach instead. Flying up, level with Sen, only behind him, she fired an Ice Beam. Then dove down...
  14. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "I have no choice! Oh what's this...?" she said, barely dodging the dragon pulse. "You think you can beat me with Zubats? Pha!" she said, firing an Ice Beam at both the guards and Sean.
  15. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Ack! Hide, guys, quick!" she ordered, despriatly trying to find cover.
  16. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Grrr... Well unless you let us through, you're not going to have a future! Last warning before you get my full fury!" she said, ready to attack.
  17. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "It's not a theory. It's a garentee." she said, using Blizzard, her second most powerful attack.
  18. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Ack!" Neptune said, falling forward a bit. "You'll pay for that!" she said, firing another Ice Beam.
  19. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    (Shadowstar?>,>;) Neptune quickly turned sideways to the left, thus avoiding the attack, but just barely. "I didn't want to do this." she said, and used her most powerful attack. Sheer Cold.
  20. Shadowstar

    Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

    "Ha! You think I'd be caught dead out in the open? In broad daylight, where humans can see me? No way!" she said, firing an Ice Beam.
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