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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

Sean shook his head and launched a dragon pulse at Neptune.

The guards burst out of the building, pokéballs in hand. The two at the front released a Zubat apiece

((Anyone can control the guards))
"I have no choice! Oh what's this...?" she said, barely dodging the dragon pulse. "You think you can beat me with Zubats? Pha!" she said, firing an Ice Beam at both the guards and Sean.
((You know Sean's still airborne, and quite high up))

Sean dived aside of the ice beam, but the Zubats went down without a fight. The guards withdrew them and sent out a pair of Crogunk, which charged at Neptune.

Sean, now almost directly above her, dropped another Dragon Pulse attack down.
"Where's your fury, Neptune?"

((If you're interested I have an idea for a new Team Galactic person, who is actually evil.))
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((My my...how did I miss this? I hope I can still join in))

Name: Atemu
Age: Still not telling you
Gender: Male
Pokemon mixed with: Mewtwo

Personality: He is very quiet. He is also a tad anti-social...or he was, until Yuuka-chan got a hold of him. He still doesn't talk much, but he has grown softer in heart.
Ability(s):Can see into the hearts and minds of those around him, searching for the truth beneath the lies. He also can float/fly with his psychic powers.
Moves: Aura Sphere, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Recover

(And if you'd like, I can play one of the Galatic planet people. Saturn, Mars, or Jupitar I mean.)
(Accepted~! And sure, we need more Team Galactic members.(And humans in general, really))
"Grrr... You're gonna get-- Ouch!" she said, the Croagunk running into her. She decided to take the areal approach instead. Flying up, level with Sen, only behind him, she fired an Ice Beam. Then dove down and used Blizzard on those annoying Croagunk.
(Sweet. And I know how he is going to enter this scene)

Sitting in a tree, he watches as the others scatter and battle. He quietly shakes his head and decides to render the human's partially useless. With a flick of his wrist, he teleports the poke'balls on their belts to float next to him. He then looks to his left at the small green girl.

"Shall we help them?"
Sean dropped to dodge the ice beam, and turned to face Neptune.
"I think your friends can handle the guards. How about you release your fury on me somewhere a little more private?" he asked. He sent another dragon pulse flying and then rose upwards again, beckoning Neptune towards him.

((I really don't want to control a bunch of guards, so feel free to do whatever with them))
Fade stood by, watching. Then, he roared metallic-like-ish-ly. A sphere of light formed between his jaws, and it grew larger and larger until the Hyper Beam was shot at Sean's middle body.

Wind growled. She lunged at one of the guards with Ice Fang, and bit down hard on his arm. He cried out as the ice crystallized on the spot, and he stood there.
Sean heard a rushing sound approaching, and sped up, causing the hyper beam to strike is already injured tail. He slowed and continued his sedate rise, still beckoning Neptune, and now perhaps a hundred feet from the ground.
Rashly, Lightning turned to Raikou quickly. "Guys, duck and cover!" She barely had time to say before she dropped a thunderbolt onto all of the guards at once.

((You know, Time Psyduck, you're messing up our plot...))
Sean gave up. He didn't care any more, and he felt that overall he'd be better of down south. He changed course and began to drift away

(You have a plot?)
((Look at the front page. We were supposed to get in. But I guess it's all right now. ;) ))

As most of the guards were knocked unconscious, two stared at Lightning in horror.

"If you know what's good for you, you won't mutter a word of this to anybody," she growled, turning human again.

The guards nodded and sped into the building.

"So?" Lightning asked Neptune.
((I thought the idea of something like this was that you were supposed to face challenges. I wasn't going to stop you, just make it harder.))

Sean stopped when he saw the damage of the lightning.
Hmm... he pondered, drifting above the battlefield.
Lightning hoped that Sean hadn't seen... she would be doomed, and perhaps would have to shock him. Hurting others was not exactly her favorite thing to do... she shivered slightly.
Neptune swiftly took the advantage of Sean looking distracted by the lightning bolt that Lightning dropped. "I won't tell a soul" she muttered before firing an Ice Beam at Sean.
"So.... let's go," Lightning said nervously. Even though she was human, she could feel the electricity somewhere in that building. Hopefully they wouldn't have to go through that....
"Sure." said Neptune, drifting back down to the ground and turning into human form. She quickly ran into the building ahead of Lightning.
Lightning went in second. The sense of electricity didn't get much stronger, but it was coming from a corridor on the right. It felt like something hit her as she saw that Neptune was going in that direction. Carefully, she tried to calm herself, not showing her anxiety. She didn't want to seem weak at a time like this...

((Can there be a Galactic member escorting us or something?))
Fade shrank down to Pokemorph form and followed them along with Wind, who was also in her Pokemorph form.
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