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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

Lightning said, "Please let us pass. We have no reason to harm you." Her hair crackled. She shivered. There was a room full of electricity somewhere. She was afraid it would make her transform into Raikou involuntarily. "We should be cautious, though," she said to herself.
"I have no reason to harm you, and another day we may be walking through that door together. But for today I need to prevent any action which would draw in the resources of Team Galactic from operations which vhave importance elsewhere."

Sean stood firm, fully human, with his helm under his left arm.
Lightning had the urge to transform and knock this guy out. However, she just stepped back. "I'm not here for information." She jsut had a feeling this wouldn't convince the guard. She glanced at Neptune, hoping that the leader would do something.
Wind growled, still Suikun, "Let us through or I will freeze you." She opened her jaws, leaning back as if ready to pounce.
"Hmm, interesting idea, young lady Suicune. However I am rather fast, and I have rather proficient skills in battle myself, so you may not find that task an easy one to accomplish. I am older that I look youngster, and I have seen many things. Even so, I did not foresee a time when I would be called upon to defend a group such as this."

Sean continued to stand immobile in the dorway.
"Very well," Wind said. Nothing was released from her mouth, but she bit down on Sean's arm with Ice Fang. "Try that," she said furiously, growling like a dog. The Suikun quickly let go and stepped back.
"Nice shot. It is perhaps fortunate for me that humans aren't weak to Ice attacks, or I may have been in trouble," Sean commented, shaking his arm. "Still, that was painful. I give you credit - you're not bad, child."
Lightning backed away. At last the electricity stopped picking at her skin, and she sat down. Weakly, she smiled.
"Thank you. Now, the question for me remains as such: can I trust you not to try anything stupid, or do I have to stand here for the next few months until you go away or my need for these people comes to an end?"
"We won't do anything weird! I promise!" Lightning said confidently. She was still worried about the electric sensation coming from somewhere in that building, but didn't mention anything.
Wind scoffed inwardly. "I don't know what we're doing. Ask our leader."

At that moment, Fade entered the building and skidded to the stop. "What's going on here?" he wondered, putting his cell phone in his pocket. "Hi, Neptune."
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"Ah, interesting, another new member of your little gang Neptune."
Sean was certain they would try and get in the building if he left, and the answer Lightning gave wouldn't have changed his plans in the slightest, but he had asked it anyway.
Maybe I should get out more
(Oh yeah. Sorry, I haven't RPed in this for a long time. I've had writer's block. But I'm over it now.x3 I'm already planning the threequel for some reason.)
((It's only been 23 days, so I guess this is fine...))

"Neptune, we do have a good cause to go in here, right?"

Lightning turned to the person who was blocking them. Not knowing whether she had said this or not, she told him, "We do not want to harm Team Galactic. From what it sounds like, we only want to contact somebody. I think it's important, right, Neptune?"
"Yes, it is, Lightning." she replied, and turned to Sean, who she had known when she first saved the world from destruction by sommoning Arceus.

"Now, Sean, let us through." she said, trying to push her way past and get inside the building.
Sean put out his arm and blocked the door.

"I'm afraid that your explanation is not satisfactory. As such I cannot let you pass."
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