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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

Sean, fully human, crouched behind a nearby bush, carefully concealing himself from the group.

They're still not overly observant. Still, they're not the most inept group of 'undercover' people i've seen. At least they're concealing their identities.
'Hello there,' said Sean as he leapt high out of the bushes and came to land in front of the group. 'Sean Terry, Explorer and Pokemorph...excuse me for a moment. Although I do not believe we've met, I do know a few members of your group and would appreciate a few moments to reaquanit with them.'

'Ah Neptune, hello again. Ryan, Talon, greetings to you as well.

(Correct me if Sean and Silvia have met or I've missed anyone from the first RP)
(I don't remember.)

"Er.. I'm Silvia." she replied with a sweatdrop. "I don't think that anyone remembers me."
"Hi 'gain." Ryan said. "Sean, was it? Well, we're trying to enter this building. I don't know exactly why, but I'm too bored to care."

He transformed to his morph form and charged an Aura Sphere in his hands. "Or maybe Dragon claw..." The Aura Sphere disappeared in the hands of Ryan, and instead Ryan's fingers became longer and sharper.

To slashes later, the metal door was torn open. Ryan stepped inside and turned. "Are you guys coming or what?"
"That was my job!"

Wind became a Suicune and dashed inside, playfully showering Ryan with a harsh gust of wind.
"Urk." Ryan almost fell over by that gust, and waved his hands in the air to get back his balance. "Hey, was that really necessary?" He said, angrily.
Sean tore invisibly past them and stood in front of Ryan.

'I'm afraid I cannot allow you to proceed at the current time,' he addressed to the group
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((Mind if I'm the Arceus Pokemorph?

Name: Fade
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pokemon mixed with: Arceus.
Appearance/Image: He has Arceus' ears and "horn", plus the tail and golden thing on his back. The tops of his hands and feet are gold, and he has a gold stripe on his forehead. Seems like a lot of Arceus, but think about it.
Fade's hair is silver like Arceus' skin. He wears a dark gray shirt and black pants, and his eyes are a shimmering sky blue.
Personality: PO
Ability(s): He's psychic.
Moves: Hyper Beam, Perish Song, Seismic Toss, ExtremeSpeed
Other: He has a collection of plates in the backpack that fits on his back, so he can change into any type.

"Any futhur action would result in potential hazards elsewhere. This is not something I am willing to accept. I will ask you to leave now."
Wind's ears perked.

"Do any of you hear that?"

There was a swift, but steady tapping coming from the direction from which the team had come. It steadily rose in volume, but didn't seem close.

Wind shrugged.
((Can we return to the RP rather than just some OOC discussion.

Oh btw I'm still Sean Terry from last time.

Hang on - oh darn I've just added to what I wanted to end))
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