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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

"But it is a planet, right? Right? And what is a boyfriend?"
The girl folded her arms and continued.
"I'm older than when I asked now, right? So will you tell me? Pl-e-e-e-ease?"
Wind rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. These ones were rather entertaining. She floated deep into a thought.

I like having Suicune head but human hands.... isn't that fun?

((Seriously, think about it.))
Lightning, in full Raikou form (since she enjoyed being a cat), twitched her ears a few times and tried to remember her past.
She knew she had a few friends before she became a Pokemorph, but none other than that.
Wait... there was that one...
She couldn't quite remember his name. Shrugging, she padded on.
Wind looked around. Nothing looked or smelled suspicious. "Hey Neptune... where are we going again?"
"No," Lightnig said, "Jupiter is the commander of Team Galactic. It's true that it's a planet, but it's also the Commander's name."
"Jupiter is too far away. We'll never be able to get there without dying. I wonder when I can get back in Pokemorph form..."
"Who said I was going with you anyway?" Ryan butted in. "I have stuff to do, lots. Like guarding the different dimensions..."
"Can we hurry? Please? Well... We might as well explain to Kira all the commanders so that she's clear with all of it... I also think we need a plan to get inside. It's not so easy anymore."
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