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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

Wind shrieked. She dove into the bushes, lowering the decoration on her head. She decided she wanted to meet Silver's friend, so she transformed into a human and stepped out.
Ryan listened to the conversation silently, but when they said someone was coming, he changed to human.
Talon regretfully retracted his wings and tail; he liked being a morph more than being full human or full pokemon. "Who's this friend of yours?" he said to Silver, "Is it that Michelle you were talking about?"
"Yea it's Michelle. You'll have to change to pokemon form. Or hide." said Silver becoming a pokmon.
Kira changed into all human and jumped to the ground. It hurt a little bit, but she didn't mind. It was boring being all human, but Silver said to, so Kira obeyed.
Thorn became Pokemorph form and flew up into a tree, then becoming full human and sitting on one of the branches, eating a fruit that the tree had grown.
(We NEED some humans, and no, I don't mean Pokemorphs in human form.)
Neptune changed into her fully human form, and began to walk off toward Veilstone city, seeing as they were only at Lake Valor, where Azelf is. "Hey, anyone want to come to the Team Galactic HQ with me? I figured I better remind them that they owe me big time." said Neptune. 'I need to check up on my boyfriend...' she added to herself.
'... Saturn.'
"I will," Lightning raised her hand. "There's no point in risking being captured out here." She followed behind Neptune.
"Yeah, and it's in our best intrest to keep moving. The longer we stay in one place, the more likely we'll be caught." replied Neptune. "And the more likely my cousin will find me." she said quieter.
"I'm coming too." Wind stepped up behind Neptune. "I have no idea why, but I feel like I need to go there for some reason...."
Kira ran after everyone else, squealing.
"Don't forget me! You need somebody short and cute with you!"
"I'll be coming..." Ryan raised a hand. "It eventually gets boring just guarding dimensions..." He leaned against a tree.
Neptune sighed. "I knew that question would be asked..." she paused. "Team Galactic owes me, if it weren't for me, they would have never have been as lage as they are, after all, all teams start with one member, am I right? As for my cousin... Are you fammiliar with Cyrus? Yeah, that's right, my cousin is rhe leader of Team Galactic. I used to be a member once, but only because of my boyfriend, Saturn."
Kira was silent for a few minutes. She pulled a half-empty bag of Skittles from her backpack and ate some of the candy. She asked,
"Isn't Saturn a planet? What's a boyfriend?"
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