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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

"Humans...? Yea! They really seem to like me in pokemon form." said Silver as if nothings wrong.
Silver then changed to Pachirisu form. "I wonder when my human friends will come?" said Silver spinning in circles.
"They catch any Pokemon they lay their eyes on," said Wind. "Most are dumb. Others are different. I know a human who likes to be called Name. He only catches Pokemon he needs."
"They are nice to me when im not in human form. And i don't plan to show them my human form." said Silver looking towards the town. "I've always wondered what was beyond the town." said Silver sadly.
Lightning laughed. "That's funny. I once ran into a trainer named Sunday who always brought her Munchlax with her. Or was that Purugly?"
She turned to Silver. "There are mountains behind the town, inhabited by Pokémon who eat live prey. Personally, I only eat human food, even in Raikou form."
Thorn cocked her head. "Humans vary, just like Pokemon. Some are mean, some are nice, some are funny, some are dumb, and some are just plain weird."
Kira raised her hand like a little kid at school.
"I know a human! Her name is Melody and she has a Charmander and they play with me! And she doesn't try to catch me, either!"
"The human thats nice to me has a Shuppet. And her name is Michelle." said Silver as she climbed a tree.
((Geez, lots of posts! Oh, and shadowstar, if we need a human, I could get rid of Talon and play a villianous human...))

"I actually have an official spot where humans try to capture me," said Talon. "It's at Kanto's Power Plant--many humans know that I hang out there, so I go over there occasionally just for the fun of fighting them off! And, if I somehow start losing, I have many friends in there who will help me out, such as Sparx the Electebuzz, the twin Raichus Amy and Sophie, and a whole swarm of Voltorbs and Electrodes. Oh, and I didn't introduce myself to you newcomers. I'm Talon, and as you can see by the wings and tail, I'm a Zapdos morph!"
"My name is Wind!" she said. "Watch this." She transformed into a Pokemorph. "Look ma! No head!" she laughed. "I'm referring to the fact that I can't be a Pokemorph without losing my head. And I like it! There are lots of jokes to come with it." Wind turned back into a Pokemon.
"That's okay," Lightning soothed. "Who says you have to be a legendary to be powerful, or whatever else you want to be?"
Silver looked out to the town and saw her human friend. "You guys have to hide! My friend is coming! You have to change or hide!" said Silver jumping out of the tree.
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