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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

((sorry i wasnt here yesturday my computer was freaking out.))
Silver watched in full Pachirisu form as the others talked. She didnt want to get too close because they might hurt her. She didn't know her paw was slipping. "Ow!" yelled Silver now in regular form.
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((If she's using bad grammar, at least tell her how to fix it. For example, "she watched the others talk, in full Pachirisu form."))
Lightning turned her head. There was someone lying hurt on the ground. "Are you okay?" she asked.
Silvia, still in her full Celebi form, saw someone hurt on the ground, then she touctched her to make her heal.
Wind also turned her head. She wanted to use a gentle Gust, but to no avail would it work. Instead, she bounded over to the hurt Pachirisu. "Where are you hurt?" she asked. She could tell that the Pachirisu was hurt in some way.
"Oh, alright." Wind nodded, turned and leaped once, and then turned again to face the Pachirisu.

((Better grammar there, Silver, but there's always room for improvement ;D ))
Silver turned back to half human form. "My ear still hurts,but it'll be okay." said Silver as she looked back at the Suicune. And giggled at the Celebi.
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Kira, in her Mew form, was sleeping inside a hole in a tree. She woke up, yawning and poked her head out. She looked around at the others sleepily. Just talking. She closed her eyes and fell asleep again, ignoring them.
((Don't forget i haven't told anyone my name yet))
Silver sat down on a rock. "I'm Silver. What's you're names?"
"My name's Blazing Wind," said Wind. "But you can just call me Wind." She looked up and to her left, letting her mane flow in the breeze.
Kira jumped out of the tree and floated to the ground. She looked at Silver, curious. The Mew transformed into her half-human form and waved.
"Hello. I'm Kira!"
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