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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

Kira giggled and nodded.
"Yeah. Really long time. I forgot what you looked like. I'm kidding!"
As usual, she spoke so quickly it sounded like one word. Not noticing, Kira ran around in circles, excited.
"Hi! I like my name. It's fun to say. Kira, Kira, Kira...."
Silver turned back to full Pachirisu form and chased Kira. "This is fun!" said Silver chasing Kira.
"Thank you, I'm just used to quiet surroundings. So, um... Now that I'm back, what do you guys want to do?"
((i dont know ho to spell curiosly unless thats right))
"Back? Back from where?" asked Silver curiosly
"I HAD to say that... Oh well... You see, after Team Star and I saved the world from being destryed by Dialga and Palkia by Summoning Arceus, I was taken to the Beginning Dimention, and now I'm back. For more on the subject, ask someone else."
"Thorn, was that REALLY nesessary?" yelled Neptune in full Articuno form.
(Therfore, she is small compared to Thorn)
"Ok I heard about that but i didn't know the ones that beat them. And i didn't know they were like me." said Silver looking over at Thorn and giggling.
Kira whined at Neptune.
"We weren't being that loud!!"
The Mew floated onto a tree branch and sat there, grumbling to herself. She wasn't really mad, but didn't say so.
Wind turned her head and growled at the noise, ears flattening against her head? "Who's there? Show yourself! ...That is, unless you're dangerous and in that case you can stay where you are, thank you."
((Hikari i accepted you in tokyo mew mew just to let you know))
Silver giggled as Silvia came out of the bush. "I think you scared Wind!" Silver told Silvia.
"Silvia...is almost like Silver. Except the I and A in Silvia." said Silver.
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Wind's ears went back up. "It's a Celebi. She's not going to hurt us." Wind looked around. "Are there any humans around here?"
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