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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

(hey internets off might not be here for a while again..)
"It's fine now..you all can change back if you want..." said Silver.
"You're right," Lightning replied. "I think they have all these updated, weird rooms that are hard to get past. They're sparking with electricity..." she shivered. "I mean, I know I'm a Raikou morph, but..." she transformed. "I just get a bad feeling about them."
"I can't get through electricity without getting badly hurt, I'm part flying type. Oh if only there was a ground type here!"said Neptune, absent mindedly walking back and forth.
"Then feel free to abandon me. I can't do anything else other than that.
"Maybe I could use Extrasensory to get the Aurora Beam through the door?" wondered Wind.
Suddenly, a beeping noise went off. Talon stopped and pulled a phone out of his pocket, looked at it, and said, "Hey, everyone, hold on a minute!"
Kira screamed as loud as possible,
"A minute is a unit of time and also a abstract concept and can't be holded!!"
Talon stepped back from the group with a depressed look on his face, then said, while reading his phone, "Neptune, could you please come read this..."
"Hah. Part ghost am I. I walk through walls." Ryan chuckled, trying to sound smart, and walked towards the locked door.

Clang! He had walked right on it. "Oof, what happened?" He said, rubbing his forehead where his head had hit the metal.

"Oh..." He felt embarrased. "I forgot, I am not in my Pokémorph or Pokémon form, sorry..." He felt his cheek getting slightly hotter, and covered them with his hands, hoping that no one saw it.

I've been gone way too long - I come back and it's partway through the sequal. (Sorry about not being able for Dalgia)


Name: Sean Terry
Pokemon mixed with: Rayquaza
Gender: Male
Age: Lost count, but very very old
Personality: Quiet and prefers to be alone, spending a lot of time in the upper atmosphere
Special ability: Calms weather
Appearence/image: Tall human shape, with the 'fins' from raquaza's upper back on his own and a long tail similar to rayquaza's body. His human section wears the same shade of green from head to foot, and he has a helmet which resembles rayquaza's head.
Moves: Dragon Pulse, Fly, Extreamespeed, Draco Meteor
Recent History: Pressing concerns forced his absence from the climax ofthe events last year, and resulted in his silent departure. He has recently returned and is now in the final stages of tracking down Neptune angain.

If you need an adversary I can use Sean against team star.

Neptune glanced down at her black phone, and opened a text message. "Should I reply?" she asked herself.

(What does the text message say?)
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