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Open Team Star 2: The Hidden Secret

"What's going on here?" Fade asked. "Trying to get through to visit your cousin or sister or whatever?"

He looked at Sean. "Are you going to let us through?" He flashed his golden hands, and then jumped a bit. When he was back down, he had taken a quick transformation and was his Pokemon counterpart. He reared up, letting out a metallic cry, and thought about attacking.

Looming, he looked down at Sean. "Let us through," he buzzed.
"Please, Sean. Let us through or I'm afraid that I will have to use force, and you do not want that." she said, her voice threatening. "Now let us through." she said, only this time she just stood there, waiting for his response.
Lightning whispered, "But we'll have to make sure he doesn't see us..." she lowered her voice even more, so that Neptune could barely hear, "become Pokémon or anything. Like we need to knock him out or something."
"And to you, Fade, I'm trying to visit my cousin. I don't have a sister." she replied, then turned her attention back to Sean.

"We already gave you our explaination. Now, I suggest you let us through before you get hurt." she said, ready to use powder snow if he didn't listen to her warning.
"At no point prior to this did you mention that you were trying to see family. You explanation is clearly incomplete, and I remain unsatisfied."
"I wouldn't exactly prefer to visit him, mind you. I just thought it would be a good idea to see what he was up to. And, if you won't let us through, I'm going to have to use force. Now." she said, spreading her wings to use powder snow.

"Five, four, three, two, one." she said, turning into her pokémon form, and a flurry of snow appeared. Hopefully it'll hit him... she thought.
Seth leaped rapidly skyward, and rammed his helmet onto his head, changing into half-Rayquaza form.
Darn it
"You know if you wanted to pay a visit there's always the option of using the front door. Alone."
He hovered just above the door.
"Ha! You think I'd be caught dead out in the open? In broad daylight, where humans can see me? No way!" she said, firing an Ice Beam.
Sean dropped to the right.
"So this isn't a personal call then, which means you have an ulterior motive. Shame."
He hovered for a moment
"I am truly sorry"
He launched a blast of energy - a dragon pulse attack - at Neptune.
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Neptune quickly turned sideways to the left, thus avoiding the attack, but just barely. "I didn't want to do this." she said, and used her most powerful attack.

Sheer Cold.
Sean tore into the sky like a bulled, but only just managed to avoid the move. The tip of his tail was hit by the cold.
"I suppose that means we're fighting then," he said, his voice a monotone. He shot passed Neptune, turned, pushed her forwards from behind, and span up into the air.
"Grrr... Well unless you let us through, you're not going to have a future! Last warning before you get my full fury!" she said, ready to attack.
"Your full fury, hmm. Well, before I take it..."
Sean pulled out a mobile phone and pushed one key, before placing it in front of his face.
"Security breach."
He dropped the phone.
"Well the guards are coming to give your friends something to do, Neptune, so why don't you come and give me your full fury."
Sean shot upwards at high speed, keeping an eye on Neptune.
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