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Search results

  1. Togetic

    Magikarp used Shadow Force.

    Magikarp used Shadow Force.
  2. Togetic

    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

    If the dang petrol companies hadn't bought the rights to the Electric Car, this likely wouldn't have happened. And the extremely helpful executives are just sitting there looking at their profit margin. This might be relevant
  3. Togetic

    Actually, I was planning a Magikarp vs Magikarp metronome battle against Blackthorne.

    Actually, I was planning a Magikarp vs Magikarp metronome battle against Blackthorne.
  4. Togetic

    Brock vs. Togetic

    Alright Ascalon, were going good. Lets just get some damage racked up with three FALCON TAKE DOWNS FALCON TAKE DOWN ~ FALCON TAKE DOWN ~ FALCON TAKE DOWN
  5. Togetic

    in which surskitty complains profusely

    Re: opal says my house is a deathtrap Shhh...you're revealing our secret! Nevermind, found ma shotgun. We're good.
  6. Togetic

    I know, I know. I just wanted to get some exp for Metang -> Metagross. Oh and thanks for...

    I know, I know. I just wanted to get some exp for Metang -> Metagross. Oh and thanks for taking the battle. Have a giant virtual thank you.
  7. Togetic

    Brock vs. Togetic

    Well, I don't see any reason NOT to use Ascalon, and he could really use the EXP, so I'll send him out. I don't care what the opponent sends out, so use a Spore just to get it out of the match. Follow up with a Fusion/Hydrogen Bomb. And just to end it all off, combine 400 grams of matter and...
  8. Togetic

    What I do at three A.M.

    MILHOUSE IS NOT A MEME. Oh hey, welcome to TCoD. Here, have the obligatory Tea and Cod. Enjoy your stay. And if you ever need help, remember first to set yourself on fire and throw yourself out the window. Or ask. That could work too.
  9. Togetic

    Requests Open zeKieranator's Userbar Shop

    That's awesome, thanks!
  10. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    Yes it would, yes it would. I'll go fix that now.
  11. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    Well, winnings that I'm not awfully proud of. $17 + $16 = $31
  12. Togetic

    Requests Open zeKieranator's Userbar Shop

    I'll be your first customer! Colors: White Image: Just a togetic sprite Text: Saturated Bliss / Tearproof Animation: Yeah, just alternate between those two messages (optional)Animation Frames: I dont think this applies (optional)Animation Time: Three seconds please. Share: Sure why not. Thanks =D
  13. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    All of the participants, save one were happy. The hail had finally passed by, leaving a frosty atmosphere in its wake. The only one to seem dismayed at the departure of the hailstorm was a Spheal by the name of Cube, who’s sorrowful mood was only amplified by the spasms of leftover electricity...
  14. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] TF2: Faith & Misery

    Posting it here. Name: Andrew Russells Age: 22 Class: Sniper Gender: Male Team: Builders League United Appearance: Andrew is a fairly lean man, but don't let that fool you into thinking he has no muscle. In fact, his arm is very strong, being able to draw most bows to full draw in a matter of...
  15. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Eonrider (Ref: Negrek)

    Quick nitpick, could you explain how three SE paybacks only did 9% damage. iirc, Payback's power doubles if the opponent moves first. I really don't think 9% looks right.
  16. Togetic

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I topped my grade this semester for Engineering Studies, and I've been chosen as part of a three-man team to represent my school in a state-wide Bridge Design competition!
  17. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Yeah, but a lot of predatory beasts hunt by going for the neck of throat, so...yeah... Alright, let's keep this Offense up. Just use Crunch three times. If she tries to Status you, go for Safeguard before it hits, since you aren't that slow. If she protects or whatever, just Chill...
  18. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] TF2: Faith & Misery

    Reservin' The BLU Sniper, mate. (Why did nobody inform me this was going to happen? ITS SO AWESOME)
  19. Togetic

    *Gives five six times.*

    *Gives five six times.*
  20. Togetic

    *gives five*

    *gives five*
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