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[OOC/Signup] TF2: Faith & Misery


A co-run RP by Full Metal Cookies, L'il Dwagie, Skymin, and Alraunne.

Also a teeny bit of explanation is in order I think...this RP is Team Fortress 2 based...with a bit of a supernatural twist. It also takes place in a slightly more modern time period; struggles like this have happened before in the past, so this is just one story of many that came before... I hope you have fun with this spin~!


"Angel! How dare you hunt my people down like they are common prey. I demand that you stop your destruction of our kind this very instant!"

The Angel shook his head, long blond hair curling around his shoulders. He didn't stand up from his throne, instead fluttering his feathered wings gently and smiling at the catlike creature before him.

"I am afraid I cannot do that. Your kind is a blight upon this earth, you are harming the humans, leading them away from the right path with your seductive ways. I seek to cleanse this world of your stain." He said, voice low.

The Demon growled, and threw her hands up, dark energy glowing around her hands.

"Then I curse you and all your kind! I cast you into another realm where you cannot interact with your beloved humankind again! Have fun, Angel!" She roared, throwing a ball of darkness to the Angel.

The Angel disappeared in a puff of blackness, but his voice could still be heard...

"Very well. But I promise you this; I will come back, we will clean you off this earth. I can see a future where we fight, and we. Will. Win..."


A long time ago, so long that man does not even remember, demons - shadowy creatures with dominion over the dark - roamed the earth, towering beasts and skittering creatures alike, mingling with animal and man. They were worshipped as gods and guardians by mankind, but the angels, beings of light with holy powers, saw this and were horrified by the twisted forms they saw among the 'perfect' animals and men. They took it upon themselves to cleanse the world of the demons, and pushed back the dark stain to the corners of the world.

But one particularly powerful demon pushed her way to the homelands of the angels and demanded that their leader stop the assault on her people. He refused, and the demon grew angry. She cast a curse of the angels, banishing them from the human plane for all eternity. The angel's leader, however, managed to use the last of his power before he was sealed away to cast his own spell; a promise that in the future, his people would return to the human realm through any means necessary, and finally cast away the demon plague. The demon was fearful of his words, and so she and her people slipped into hiding for thousands of years.


Now it is the modern day. The struggles of that long-ago past have risen and fell, but never truly faded; and finally, the demon queen and her fierce enemy, the angel lord, have found the perfect way to settle their score.

Two bands of mercenaries, each equipped with living weapons and armour, under the guise of two warring companies, but controlled by the demon and angel in their struggle to survive. RED, controlled by the demon queen, and BLU, the angel lord. The battles have been going on for years, the public only dimly aware of what was going on in those battle-torn areas in which they were forbidden.

Sometimes even the mercenaries themselves do not know what this battle truly is about; they were gifted their powers in a pact, a deal with the dark or light forces that flow through the world. Given terrible and boundless power in exchange for some small thing, but bound to come when they were called to fight for one of the two sides, these pacts are both a blessing and a curse.

The demons and angels of long ago now take the form of the weapons and skills that these mercenaries use to fight and kill each other, the only way they can interact with the human realm now.They are sorted into 'classes', each 'class' has a different sort of possession and skill sets gifted by the two leaders, each strikingly similar...

Scout: The power of a Scout's demon or angel infuses his legs, granting him immense speed and the ability to jump long distances and heights. They have wings, batlike and demonic for the RED side and birdlike and feathered for the BLU, extending from their ankles, which can be retracted when not in use for jumping.

Pyro: The Pyro's angels/demons possess his arms, a draconic mouth emerging to spew searing crimson flames and dripping coals for the RED team, and the BLU side gifted with holy white flames that spew forth from more feline jaws. The angel or demon also grants complete immunity to fire and heat. The mouths can retract when not in use, though the Pyro's arms will continually pulse with their powerful energies.

Engineer: The Engineer's demon or angel takes over one or both of his hands, making him extra capable of fine work with incredible skill. He can also infuse any building he crafts with shadowy or angelic power, bringing them to life and infusing the bullets with light or shadow. The BLU's hand(s) turns spindly and nearly marble-coloured, while the RED's become blackened and slender.

Spy: The easiest to hide, the Spy's possession is mostly internal, his angel or demon nesting inside his body. The RED team's demon causes them to slip into a pocket dimension for a few minutes to become invisible, or mutates his appearance to another person. The BLU team's angel refracts light to cause him to become invisible or change his appearance.

Sniper: The Sniper's eyes are the focus of his possession, the RED demon taking over his vision, making him able to see long distances without a scope and focus on distant targets. The BLU angel renders the Sniper blind, and makes all his other senses sharp enough to accurately take down targets even without sight.

Medic: The Medic's demon or angel perches on his back, its bulky body holding on tightly to him with strong tendrils, the creature's long neck forming the tube connecting the backpack to the medigun, which is made of the creature's head. The RED demon holds on tight with thick, ropey tentacles, another connecting to the back of the Medic's neck to heal its host. The BLU angel uses thin but powerful tendrils to hold on, its holy aura healing its host.

Heavy: The Heavy give his very body over to the creature possessing him, and in return is granted immense physical power. The BLU's angel wraps its host in holy living armour, with feathery wings able to grow from his shoulders, and infusing his weapon with holy light. The RED's demon covers him with blackened exoskeleton-like armour and demonic wings, as well as giving his weapon a shadowy power.

Soldier: The Soldier's demon or angel infuses itself into his chest, where is generates powerful missiles to launch at foes. The RED demon can also give off a powerful bursts of dark energy when its host is gravely injured, while the BLU angel's burst is holy energy.

Demoman: The Demoman wears his angel or demon like a belt, the creature curling around his waist and producing egg-like explosives at will. The RED demon's bombs burst into hellish flames, while the BLU's burst into holy light.

So now you have come here, to fight for your side and push the tides of battle. Cleanse the demon stain, or fight for their lives...

-Usual rules and all that, blah blah blah
-We expect you to actually put a lot of effort into your form; quick, ten-minute forms will probably not be accepted.
-On that note, if you use a picture, make sure YOU drew it and you didn't just pull it off google/dA/whatever.
-It'd help if you know enough about TF2 to actually know about what you're getting into.
-One per class per side
-You can make your angel/demon look like pretty much anything as long as it fits the class description above. Keep in mind angels would have a lot of white, and demons would be dark and grotesque.


[B]Name:[/B] (very much not required; you'll mostly by going by your class anyway)
[B]Age:[/B] (over 18)
[B]Class:[/B] (pick one~)
[B]Gender:[/B] (I'd really prefer guys mostly but you can be whatever)
[B]Team:[/B] (RED (demons) or BLU (angels). One per class per team.)


[B]Personality:[/B] (if your other sections are filled out well enough, this can be PO)

[B]Biography:[/B] (Include the details of your pact here)



Name: Kevin
Age: 19
Class: Scout
Gender: Male
Team: RED

Appearance: Scout is tall and slender, though he's not weak by any means' he's got a lean sort of muscle going with him, and the bulk of his strength is in his lower body. He's got dark reddish-brown hair that's close-cropped at the sides, and longer at the top, and his eyes are a dark shade of sea blue. He has a spray of freckles across his cheeks, upper arms, and back, as well as a round face and rather squished looking nose that makes him look younger than he really is.

His dress is typical of one of his team and class; a red shirt with torn-off sleeves, a baseball cap and headset, dark brown short pants, and his arms wrapped with bandages up to just under the elbow. A pair of dogtags dangles around his neck, and seems to often flip around and hang against his back after he runs.

His legs, however, are quite more different then a normal human's legs. From just under the knee, thick dark veins start to emerge, slowly twisting into a mass of blackened skin and veins. When active, the wings sprout from his mid-calf, and are batlike and leathery. His feet are more draconic, with the toes tipped in sharp claws, and a large bloodshot eye blinks out from just under where the wings sprout out.

Personality: He's hyper, a loudmouth, and swears all the time. Other than that, PO because I am lazy.

Biography: Scout was born to a large family, with four elder brothers and one older sister, as well as a twin brother. His father died shortly before his birth, leaving his mother with the large family to take care of. They managed to get by, since the older children pitched it, being quite a bit older than Scout, and managed to stay mostly happy and content. He grew up in a more dodgey area of Boston, and in his early teens started to get involved with gangs and crime, alongside his twin brother. When the pair were 18 years old, his brother was killed in an accident, and Scout slipped into a period of depression, refusing to leave his family's home. It was during this time that he was approached by a spindly-looking demon, who told the boy that she could restore his brother to life, in exchange for only a small thing...

The boy accepted the offer eagerly, not expecting the deal to end the way it did; the demon forced herself into his body, settling into his legs and changing them painfully into their new, twisted form. She assured the boy that his brother was now alive and well, but she didn't know where he was. He hasn't seen his brother since.

In light of his new form and skills, Scout sought out somewhere he could be accepted, and that somewhere found him...he was contacted by RED shortly after the deal was made, and eagerly accepted their deal to fight for them in exchange for acceptance. He's been working for RED for nearly a year now.


RED: Medic
BLU: Heavy

Accepted Members:
Skymin/BLU Demoman
Verne/BLU Pyro
Alraunne/BLU Engineer
Togetic/BLU Sniper
Kusari/BLU Spy

Male Gardevoir/RED Demoman
Full Metal Cookies/RED Scout
Kusari/RED Pyro
RandomTyphoon/RED Engineer
moon-panther/RED Sniper
Kali the Flygon/RED Heavy
L'il Dwagie/RED Spy
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IMMA CHARGIN RESERVIN MAH LAZER DEMO, 'cause somebody's gotta have the holy hand grenades. >:D

*And ka-BOOOOOOM! It is done and ready for review!*

Name: Jonas
Age: 25
Class: Demoman
Gender: Male
Team: BLU

Appearance: He's black. His hair is a short afro. His eyes are dark-brown and large, but look constantly glossed over. This is because, while he's not completely blind, his vision is blurred from years of working with dangerous chemicals and an accident. This also causes him to squint a lot, so he sometimes looks angry when he really isn't. Despite his time of underground and sometimes illegal work, he still manages to carry an air of professionalism, with strong facial features and a mostly stoic, sometimes warm expression. His frame is tall and thin, which makes him look somewhat powerful, but not imposing. He has very faint scars all over his body. I made a sketch of his face, but I have no scanner. Alas...

Off-duty he dresses very normally, but when he gets to work he switches to a blue uniform underlined with thick padding to protect him from his dangerous works, a uniform that makes him look much bulkier than what he really is. He wears a pair of dark goggles on his head, which he pulls down right before an explosion to protect what little remains of his vision. His boots are disproportionately large and flat, as to help him keep balance against blowback. Along his vest are canisters that contain a variety of explosives.

His little angel buddy is named Antioch (Oh yes. Yes I did.) and he looks sort of like a tiny Asian dragon with two pairs of small feathered wings, one on its back and another where its legs should be. Its head is vaguely sheeplike with long ears that flow back and curl up slightly. Its tail tapers to a point and curls. Its eyes are always closed...until it shoots out a bomb, in which its eyes snap open and emits an eerie yelp as it hurls a bomb from its mouth (the sight is actually kind of disturbing in my mind, showing that the little guy isn't as cuddly as he first appears)

Personalty: Intelligent and mostly amiable, but he has a cynical edge, lashing out with sarcasm if someone starts to get on his nerves. He has a tendency to ramble about things he's interested in, taking little consideration to whether anyone's actually listening. His history of engineering gave him the ability to work through problems quickly and think fast and efficiently. If he were to have a fatal flaw, it would be his tendency to overreact and constantly expect the worst. Other details will be PO'd for the time being.

Biography: A successful chemical engineering student with a bright future ahead of him, tragedy struck as one day, while he was leaving his test lab for home (after he had taken off his protective gear), a catastrophic freak accident involving flammable gas and faulty wiring left him blinded and heavily injured, not to mention knocked out of school for months. This drove him into a deep depression, and the second he was let out of the hospital for a home visit he disappeared. He wasn't found until weeks later in a bar miles away, rambling to the bartender and crying. Over time, his burns healed and his eyes recovered to a state where he could recognize blurry shapes and colors, but he was still in no shape to pursue his dream career. He disappeared yet again, mostly just trying to find some relevance to his life now that he was partly blinded.

It was during that time that he found solace in a very unexpected, yet at the same time unsurprising way: making things blow up. He soon found that controlling the very thing that had left him so damaged was incredibly cathartic, not to mention that the sheer power of explosions was so bright and unsubtle that even his dulled senses couldn't hold back their full force. He soon set to using his knowledge and skills to creating new and creative ways of making things go boom. Having gotten used to the life of drifting and freedom, this once lawful, by-the-books fellow sank into the underground world of mercenary work. However, some part of him still wanted to actually accomplish something bigger than just random odd jobs.

One can only imagine his elation, then, when he was presented with the opportunity to work with explosive substances beyond simple chemical reactions, beyond even physical capabilities, by a company that needed some dirty work done. From the start he knew something much bigger was at work when the first person to approach him through the door looked much more like an angel than a man. The angel promised him something, something even greater than the return of his eyesight: a purpose. An ability to really make a difference. To be a hero and not just a random warrior-for-hire. All he had to do was stay loyal to the company and come to fight at its beck and call. He accepted without question, and the man summoned a strange creature, almost like a tiny dragon...sheep...cat...thing. The creature flew to Jonas, and immediately began to orbit his waist. When asked, the man said that it was a very...special kind of weapon, keeping the promise of giving the chance to work with a new type of explosive. The creature demonstrated, spewing forth a small egglike thing from its mouth with a low, eerie bark, its features twisted, but only for a moment. The egg bounced a few times, and then burst into a blinding flash of light that even overwhelmed Jonas's faded vision. The devastation it left in its wake, however, was even more astonishing. Jonas smiled. This was the beginning of a beautiful agreement...

Other: A little bit of the canon version mixed with my own ideas. He uses the standard demoman weapons, as the Scottish ones wouldn't really make sense with him (because he's...not Scottish.) Instead of the bottle of scrumpy, he carries a large hunting knife as a melee weapon.
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And so, we already know- Reserve get~

Name: If she told you, she'd have to kill you.
Age: 30
Class: Spy
Gender: Female (Just can't play guys argh :V)
Team: RED

Appearance: Seeing a spy without their balaclava is an achievement in itself, and this one is no exception. Of course, being seen at all means something has gone wrong as it is; but being lucky enough to do so before a knife is jammed into one's spine does reveal some discrepancies. Spah wears a fairly standard-issue men's suit in a solid faded maroon over top a white button-down and black necktie, with trademark well-shined black dress shoes, and gloves and balaclava in a more stand-out dark red. Although, despite her efforts at general ambiguity, even her modest chest and hips tend to be a give-away to more than the passing glance.
Of course, in a profession where not being seen is the very foundation, this tends to only be a worry back at team base. On the rare times her guard slips long enough to let someone sneak into her corner while unmasked, one might make out her short, somewhat ratty dark brown hair, falling to her neck and flicking in every direction as if it's got a mind of its own. Her face looks grizzled and rough beyond her age, defined by a sharp chin, thin eyebrows, and powerful eyes (which seem to be a different colour every time one looks at them).
As for equipment, she carries a worn looking black revolver with a striking ebony grip, a somewhat non-standard and strangely built butterfly knife, a gunmetal case, and standard sapper equipment - all of which is normally concealed.

Personalty: PO

Biography: Born to the slums of France, there isn't much to be told of her early background; which is of course to say she's not about to be telling anyone, and any records left are a bit less than concise. Needless to say, almost by definition, she was an urchin - getting by robbing, mugging, and living the streets on the run. The thing is - she was good at it. Merciless and with a discontent for the human condition, she honed it like an art with no boundaries. At the age of 15, she tipped over the impassable edge - scoring her first kill on a (rather snooty) entrepreneur by posing as a 'lady of the night'. By the time he was found after waking up dead, he had reportedly been bludgeoned with a hotel bible, stabbed with a chair leg, and had a stiletto jammed through his eye. (And, it goes without saying, his wallet emptied, his balls blu, and spy long gone.)
As it turns out - he had it coming - a hit on his head at the time, an action that may have landed her in the bin in any other circumstance instead attracted the attention of a certain.. let's call them 'assassin unit'. It wasn't common, of course, for women to be a part of such activities - and she was the only one to get in close enough to take care of such a job (Her 'special brand' of brutality didn't hurt, either.) It was somewhat demeaning, but it promised to be well paid - and so spy ended up apprenticing for many years before joining in full-time.
Of course, in a male-dominated field, and indeed, time, spy didn't exactly receive her colleague's gratitude in spades. Indeed, as she aged and showed her grizzled nature, her original role as 'token female' faded a good bit. She began dressing in male garb and keeping herself as ambiguous as possible - she wasn't the best in the field, but she was nowhere near the worst, and still skillful enough to be proud of. Nonetheless, she felt more looked down-upon by the day.
This is, of course, where her possession came into play.. as one night, she was approached by a spindly, insectoid-like creature, bathed in black and that seemed to to flicker in and out of sight at random. It spoke without visibly moving, and in sounds unlike any she had ever heard - but understood perfectly. Unspeakable power - and indeed, just the edge she needed to really get ahead, to be called upon when needed - at this point, she couldn't refuse.
...She was called sooner than she expected.

Other: ...HONHONHON <3
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Reservin' The BLU Sniper, mate. (Why did nobody inform me this was going to happen? ITS SO AWESOME)
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I can has Engy reserve?


Age: 30

Class: Engineer

Gender: Male

Team: RED


Personalty: (if your other sections are filled out well enough, this can be PO)

Biography: (Include the details of your pact here)

Indeed, accepted.

Now I would like to ask that those who reserved please get their forms in and those who still want to sign up to do so ASAP please~
Aight FINE brain fuck this is the most retarded idea and I'm still going for it

expect a blu pyro soon dammit >| hudda hudda

Name: lhkk hell 'll tll yuhh mmh nemm, yhh cdd bhh uh sphh
Age: really because anyone knows but a spy, uh, something like ~27
Class: HUDDA HUDDA pyro
Gender: male
Team: BLU
Appearance: Nobody sees the pyro anyway, and it's not like he'll sit down and have a conversation with you about his personal life (for one, you'd have to learn to understand him). So while almost nothing is known about what he actually looks like, any pyro is distinguishable from a distance. The profession requires constant cover by flame retardant material that gives the pyro a thick, inhuman silhouette of the appropriate color and a firm grip on a hefty flamethrower. Pyro always dons his gasmask, because although the suit might repel the flames he spits out mercilessly at his enemies, it does not stop the effects of smoke inhalation. As a result trying to understand a pyro's expression is immediately fruitless, though he has also learned to exaggerate with gestures so as to make himself clear. Pyro wears the usual chem suit, thick gloves and boots, and is hard to find without a canister of air strapped to his back and napalm grenades on his chest. And hell, he takes his flamethrower to bed with him.

The whole angel thing kind of freaks him out, because pyro is friendliest with normal things and also fire. Fortunately, angels are not quite so showy as their demon counterparts, and so Pyro got to stay more or less normal -- most of the weird supernatural changes stayed skin-deep and thus remain generally unseen due to his chemsuit. When used, however, they pull at the material of his gloves and mesh the space between his skin and clothing, incorporating the rubbery gloves into the weird mouths that burst from his palms. It kind of makes Pyro nervous, though, so most of the time the only hint at his power is an occasional pulse of white light around his arms.
Personality: Pyros are ... hard to read. It's generally assumed they're some sort of psychopath, all childish glee at burning flesh, and hell, half the time it's true. Our pyro is more nervous than he is a monster and more socially awkward than a sniper. Life as a pyro isn't the easiest; one is constantly glancing around corners and checking behind oneself, keeping distance from teammates or outright attacking them for fear of spies that could be anywhere. It's not as though he can enjoy any downtime between fights -- teammates either avoid him from fear (for all the confidence the spy puts on, the pyro is fairly certain that he stars in spy's nightmares) or because they can't make out his face or words. He's stressed out and jittery and fire calms him down and distracts him from people. He does share a bit of a childish view on things, though, and despite how his teammates seem to dislike him and how he is generally incomprehensible he always tries to lend a hand.
Biography: Pyro doesn't know. Um. But he's got a lot of stories on hand in case someone ever asks.

He does know that he joined BLU a good long time ago, way before this whole arm thing, and for a while it was nice because he got to use his bff flamethrower and set things on fire without having to worry about being sent back to the hospital or to jail like that one time. In fact, he got paid! So it was a very good trade off for Pyro, though after a while the company ended up pretty much holding him like the hospital had. He watched a lot of teammates come and go -- coming on trains, going up in flames, if you will -- and guessed that they thought maybe he was a different person, sometimes, because what sort of person would stay in BLU and stay alive for that long? But Pyro did and he really didn't mind.

So one day this glowy guy came out of nowhere and Pyro looked him up and down with his flamethrower and when the guy didn't dissolve screaming he decided he could talk to him. The angel guy scowled a bit but offered to Pyro his voice back if he would be a vehicle for an oncoming battle.

Pyro said, "Buh 'vv gtt uh voiss."

"Oh," said the angel. "Sorry. I figured, you know, you were always mumbling, I just--"

But the whole spewing-fire-from-his-hands thing sounded pretty cool anyway, so Pyro took the offer.
Other: Pyro also has a flare gun on hand and is almost totally impossible to understand. WHOO
herp derp I should probably do this nao

Name: ???
Age: 23
Class: Engineer
Gender: Female
Team: BLU
She is somewhat short and frumpy, definitely one of the shortest on the BLU team (as engineers tend to be, somehow). Engie dresses a little more casually than most of her class, however, preferring a blue t-shirt to the collared shirts over a white undershirt. She also favors a Texas Ten Gallon hat to her hard hat when not on the field. Engie almost never removes her goggles, so nobody on the team really knows what her eyes look like, but they aren't of much interest anyway, being a calming shade of dark brown.

Engineer's dominant right hand has very distinctly longer fingers than her left hand. The skin on her left hand is quite a bit paler and perhaps even a little transparent looking under the right light. In casual settings she tends to wear an oversized, bright orange rubber glove over it, but when she is at work she'll remove the glove so her dextrous hand is unhindered. She's really touchy about her nails scraping things, also, so they are kept quite short and out of the way.

Personality: Engineer is an agreeable person and takes pleasure in helping others. It's clear she's not the most comfortable being in a leader position, however, because she lacks the confidence that she actually has the authority to tell others what to do, and would much rather do the work herself, though she knows it's not as efficient. Engineer is also very neurotic and always carries odd items like nail clippers with her other tools. Engie is open and if you ask her a question she'll tell it to you like it is, and she can become especially loose-lipped after a couple of BLU Streak beers.

Biography: Born in the not-so-deep south, Engineer's family has been fighting for the Builders League United for two generations. She never knew her grandparents on her mother's side, because they both died on the field before she was born. They were apparently both Engineers themselves, though her grandmother worked for RED. Her own mother, however, was a BLU Medic, who also died on the field when she was a child. She never knew her father. Following the death of all of her known relatives she was placed in a foster home which was supported by BLU, who also paid for her training and education.

Engie has always had a penchant for building things. As a child she made arts and crafts, in high school she constructed robots for competitions, and in college she gained interest in developing weapons. Not just the common weapon, mind you, like a swiss army knife or a shotgun, but automated weapons, such as compact sentry guns. She also delved into support technologies, such as machines that readily supply ammo and first-aid and even teleportation devices. Having worked with BLU technologies most of her life, the decision came to her naturally when the higher-ups presented themselves to her, requesting that she follow in the footsteps of her mother and join the battle. BLU knew this would be the outcome.

However, there was one major difference between their proposition to Engineer's mother and to Engineer herself; in exchange for devoting her lifetime to dedication to BLU, they offered to her what appeared to be a delicate, translucent spider with a luminosity about it. It frightened her, even more so when the creature began to speak, but it reassured her that it could help her achieve greatness and mastery of her craft, should she just let it crawl upon her hand. She reluctantly agreed, and a merging of the glowing spider and her hand took place as her fingers changed before her very eyes. Pleased with their new length and dexterity, she took on her role as a BLU engineer with pride.

Other: Engie serves as the unspoken leader of the BLU team, perhaps due to her particularly down-to-earth and sensible way of going about things compared to that of most mercenaries. However, from time to time she spends an extended period of time alone, after which she exhibits some anxious and atypical behavior...

I'll come up with a name if I really have to but for now I just can't really think of one I like.

Also, with the authority invested in me I'll say you're looking pretty good Verne. I can't edit the first post but I'm quite sure you should be good to go.
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First post updated and reserves added.

C'mon REDs, get your forms in xD

(shush Cookies you're a red get your form done too)
Postin' this now so it's here

Name: Known simply as "that one crazy chick with the accent" when she's not being called Medic
Age: 27
Class: Medic
Gender: Female (because I can't play guys very well worth shit)
Team: RED

Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes and a Slasher Smile most of the time. Wears the typical Medic gear, albeit in women's sizes (About a size 8, in the American size scale, to be more precise). Including the glasses, which are small and square, with purple wire frames. Her Demon, sits squarely on her back, fusing with her around the back of her neck and up her arm, which is now darkened in color to a near-blackish brown. Just past the elbow is where the fusion begins, and it ends just under her hand, where the lower jaw ends just under where her wrist is. That part of it is quite easy to hide if she's wearing gloves, and enables her to use her hand as she would normally, which is quite handy for when she has to perform... ah, "surgery". As for the back of her neck, it's a simple fusion: a tentacle creeps up from the Demon's body, sticks itself there and fuses with the skin around it, blackening it for about an inch around where it attaches. Barely noticeable because most of the time her jacket covers it, there is a bonesaw strapped to her belt for easy access. She also carries an ubersaw on her person, usually in her non-heal-y hand.

Personality: Most of her teammates probably think of her as... just a bit whacked. She almost never comes out of her bunker or the infirmary, and when she does, it's only when someone calls for a Medic. She keeps the door to her bunker locked almost all the time, which has led to a crazy, probably true rumor that she decorates it with prepared human body parts. Kinda like, y'know, how they prepare leather for use as chairs and jackets, or how ivory is basically elephant tusks. When on the field, she is scary focused; basically "Find injured person, shoot with 'medigun', get off field". If she is attacked up front while she is in the battlefield, she prefers not to kill them directly, no. No, because then they could just as easily come back, as far as she knows. Instead of outright killing them, she prefers to scare them off with her ubersaw or take limbs with her if they don't get away. She carries a bonesaw strapped to her belt for this reason. She may or may not be asexual, having taken not only absolutely no interest in the many men on her platoon, nor any women that should happen to be on it, but as it seems... she doesn't seem to show attraction to anything at all.

When asked if she has medical credentials, the Slasher Smile on her face fades, and she will glare at you with a look filled with nails and acid. This typically leads people to believe that she does not have an actual degree, further distancing her from her teammates in terms of likability.

Biography: Our Medic doesn't typically talk much about her past, and with good reason given the way she acts and the way other teammates are about her. What people do get out of her usually consists of "Vhat business of eet is yours? For all you svines know, I could haff been best Medic in homeland."

This is not true in the slightest.

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