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Search results

  1. Togetic

    It does indeed. It does indeed. But its nice to know I am decently helpful. And I quit the...

    It does indeed. It does indeed. But its nice to know I am decently helpful. And I quit the Safari Zone when my area died out. =( But yeah, I'll probably be around for a while, doing stuff. Nice to meet you.
  2. Togetic

    Shellos is mono-water. Its only Gastrodon that's Water/Ground

    Shellos is mono-water. Its only Gastrodon that's Water/Ground
  3. Togetic

    I'm helpful? That's about as far as you could rate me. I can't even remember how I've ever been...

    I'm helpful? That's about as far as you could rate me. I can't even remember how I've ever been helpful. Except that time I made that vow to kill all stalkers......
  4. Togetic

    Huh. I barely know you. Any reason you randomly added me to your friends list? Are you my stalker?

    Huh. I barely know you. Any reason you randomly added me to your friends list? Are you my stalker?
  5. Togetic

    No, I would hate Machamp, its just that being so broken makes it a little better. Oh and its...

    No, I would hate Machamp, its just that being so broken makes it a little better. Oh and its funny having it be female. Originally I was planning on using a Charge Beam ramp to KO the Shellos. This works too, just that I won't taking on her next with +6 Sp. Attack. Frankly, I'm quite worried...
  6. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    I'll just put the DQ warning up early. Patar, you have a little over 30 hours to post commands. Eww double post.
  7. Togetic

    Frankly, I would hate Machamp if it weren't such a ridiculously good Lead in competitive play...

    Frankly, I would hate Machamp if it weren't such a ridiculously good Lead in competitive play. Actually, the whole point of that arena effect was to add stall the battle out. And weaken status effects if any. And to ramp up Toxic damage. And partly as a yay easy reffing thing. Look on the...
  8. Togetic

    Become a Machop. =D A lot of people don't even read the reffings, and just check the ending...

    Become a Machop. =D A lot of people don't even read the reffings, and just check the ending HP/Energy. Personally I read the reffings for the heck of it. And because it lets be double-check the referee. Also, congratulations of managing to roll my "Ref gets free money" arena. Frankly, I don't...
  9. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    According to this Kyu will just die from energy loss. Okay, if I'm incorrect please tell me, but I'll command as if I'm correct. Just use Calm Mind then Chill, then Calm Mind again. If I'm right then I won't even do anything this round. Calm Mind ~ Chill ~ Calm Mind
  10. Togetic

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunately we get back on topic.
  11. Togetic

    Get "No Guard". Full accuracy =D Darksong doesn't seem to mind overly much about the Heal Block...

    Get "No Guard". Full accuracy =D Darksong doesn't seem to mind overly much about the Heal Block thing anyway. And no. You are not slaking. No way.
  12. Togetic

    Fun Fact: Shadow Serenity refs at four times the speed of light.

    Fun Fact: Shadow Serenity refs at four times the speed of light.
  13. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Huh. So the 'Free Money for the Ref' arena mode did come into effect. Yeah, its only for a around, then it returns to normal. Alrighty Stamford, free toxic damage is nice. Chill for all three actions, I would like to keep you going. If the Shellos tries to status you, Safeguard before it hits...
  14. Togetic

    Can you name all 151 original Pokemon in 12 minutes?

    Fun Fact: I now hate Exeggutor.
  15. Togetic

    No. We need a Togetic style.

    No. We need a Togetic style.
  16. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Alright, let try wrap this up nice and easy. Use Hypnosis until it hits, then just Om Nom Nom on that Energy. Hypnosis/Dream Eater(Energy) ~ Hypnosis/Dream Eater(Energy) ~ Hypnosis/Dream Eater(Energy)
  17. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    Thanks for that. Don't worry, damage was calculated as Rock Tomb.
  18. Togetic

    Happy Birthday. You're now one year older~~ Happy Birthday. Your life still isn't over~~ Happy...

    Happy Birthday. You're now one year older~~ Happy Birthday. Your life still isn't over~~ Happy Birthday. You did not accomplish much~~ But you didn't die this year I guess that good enough.
  19. Togetic

    Suicide Game! =D

    The backpack weigh over 9000 tonnes and fall from a great height onto my head. I drop all the stuff that was in the backpack.
  20. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    The two trainers had been standing on the battlefield for almost two weeks without moving. Reason? The referee had suddenly vanished, uttering something along the lines of “Goddamn exams”. So, all the four participants simply stood or floated there in complete stillness, while the pouring rain...
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