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Can you name all 151 original Pokemon in 12 minutes?


emotionless and cold as ice
No cheating >:O

I tried earlier and got like 139/151. I couldn't remember shit like Onix and the Hitmons and Drowzee. >:(

But yeah, was curious to see how other people do!
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I once could name them all in order in under five minutes... but that was when I was like seven.

How the hell do you spell "Exeggcute"? I couldn't get that one!
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Me and my brother got them all! :3 But I can only get about 130 by myself - Stephen knows all the obscure ones.
That was harder than I expected. I got 134. I was in the middle of typing one in when the time ran out too :(

I almost forgot the Eeveelutions. I had a massive gap on the right and I was trying to remember what came after Ditto and I remembered when I had about 10 seconds left.

I'm proud that I could actually remember the order (or at least number) most of the ones I remembered came in though.

EDIT: Did the theme tune one and remembered it all! And did the types one and got 18/17 because I tried "bird".
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Bah! I only got 123. :( But I spent aaages trying to recall Weepinbell's name, and for some reason, I forgot Machamp's name too.

I missed some of the duos like Grimer and Muk, and some of the standalones like Snorlax, Chansey, Pinsir and Porygon...
Got them all in under five minutes. :D In order for the hell of it. I'm such a nerd.

It's annoying how it grabs "Mew" and "Pidgeot" when you're trying to type "Mewtwo" and "Pidgeotto". :<
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117, and I even cheated at the 3:00 mark and put on Ierukana. :( (I had to catch them in Japanese and then remember what that was in English, so it was only half-cheating...!)

Oh yeah, I included Missingno too :x
Just over five minutes, in order; probably could've gone faster except I have oldperson hands and am prone to misstrokes when I type quickly. ("prone" came out as "prine" twice just now.) Will probably do Gen II later, though I doubt I'd get that in order.

I hate Exeggcute and Exeggutor. I doubt that's how how the names are even spelled. I kept typing in Eggsacute and Eggxecutor
I put in 'Exeggcutor' like 10 times and was wondering why it wasn't coming up.

ARGH forgot the Zubat and Machop lines.

120/151 though.
Guessed all 151, plus MissingNo in 4 minutes, 53 seconds.

Doing the Second Gen one now.

Edit: Got 97/100 before Giving Up. Forgot Heracross, Girafarig, and Corsola. :x
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I love this site, and somehow managed to get half the kids at school addicted to it, too.

I've taken this quiz so many times, so yes, I can get them all. I can sometimes get all the Gen III Pokemon, but I tend to suck on the Gen II and Gen IV ones.

I can name every country in the world except for some of the ones in Oceania though, which is really unnecessary but awesome.
You got 123 out of 151 Pokémon Characters.

I mostly went through it by my old pokemon cards. So Kangaskhan and Horsea I completely forgot :<

I actually got exxegutor! :)
I got 127. I seem to be one of the few who easily spelt Exeggcute and Exeggutor. Missed out the Zubat, Paras, Psyduck, Tentacool, Slowpoke, Shellder, Cubone, Horsea and Staryu lines, as well as Lickitung, Tangela, Scyther, Pinsir and Tauros. And also somehow Golem even though I could swear I put it in directly after Geodude and Graveler.
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