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Search results

  1. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    As much as I like free status immunity, my Safeguard should be down.
  2. Togetic

    I used Scyther Slash when I first joined TCoD. Needless to say, I now prefer Roar of Time.

    I used Scyther Slash when I first joined TCoD. Needless to say, I now prefer Roar of Time.
  3. Togetic

    HG/SS My Team... help/critique wanted

    Well, most of the horrible things have been dumped, which is good. Its looking a lot more competitive now, rather than a 6 year old running around boasting about his level 100 starter.
  4. Togetic

    Yes it does. Hooray for RoT style!

    Yes it does. Hooray for RoT style!
  5. Togetic

    Suggestions Wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass!

    y. Please listen to it more. That's actually a really good drawing of a sentry. Oh by the way. That scout is a spy.
  6. Togetic

    Yes it is. It is indeed. Your avatar reminded of the times when Murkrow wasn't banned in...

    Yes it is. It is indeed. Your avatar reminded of the times when Murkrow wasn't banned in Little Cup. Every team had a Murkrow and a Murkrow counter. But nothing could counter it reliably. It made me quit Little Cup for a while. =(
  7. Togetic

    Oh right. From that epic list of awesomestuffs. Heheh, I got mine from her too =D

    Oh right. From that epic list of awesomestuffs. Heheh, I got mine from her too =D
  8. Togetic

    Where did you get it?

    Where did you get it?
  9. Togetic

    Nice new avatar btw. =D

    Nice new avatar btw. =D
  10. Togetic

    I wonder why the Hitmonchan didn't use Fire Punch. Woulda pwned the Matrix guy.

    I wonder why the Hitmonchan didn't use Fire Punch. Woulda pwned the Matrix guy.
  11. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    36 - 21 = 15 Yay Rotom.
  12. Togetic

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I has a lawnmower nao. Oh and a fan. But nobody likes the fan. [Antioch]Rotom (X) <Levitate> Bank Link
  13. Togetic

    The Black Market

    Sweet, Lawn Mower here I come!
  14. Togetic

    The people in that video just won the internet.

    The people in that video just won the internet.
  15. Togetic

    Hmm. I think you should delete everything in after the bit where its like...

    Hmm. I think you should delete everything in after the bit where its like yt.com/video/12312415123515238532532. Either that or its cause I'm aussie.
  16. Togetic

    Huh. Link doesn't work.

    Huh. Link doesn't work.
  17. Togetic

    Suicide Game! =D

    I whack myself with it until my death. I drop a kilogram of pure iron.
  18. Togetic

    I feel like getting a Bronzor for your B-day and calling it Steele.

    I feel like getting a Bronzor for your B-day and calling it Steele.
  19. Togetic

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Yay for retarded but legal sentences.

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Yay for retarded but legal sentences.
  20. Togetic

    I don't know. I ran out of things to do. =D

    I don't know. I ran out of things to do. =D
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