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Search results

  1. EchoedSeel

    Neverending recipe.

    38: Put mixture into different container and repeat.
  2. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Let me guess. Is it Mew? (just a random guess)
  3. EchoedSeel

    If anyone is on SPPF, please read my fic! http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=422693

    If anyone is on SPPF, please read my fic! http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=422693
  4. EchoedSeel

    Requests Open Beauty signature shop ~

  5. EchoedSeel


    Card Games?
  6. EchoedSeel

    Requests Open Beauty signature shop ~

    These are pretty good! I'll request one! Pic: HGSS Pryce and Seel. Text : Feel the Power of Seel! Size: Large Color: Icy-ish Light Blue Extras: none
  7. EchoedSeel

    Neverending recipe.

    Grind the penguin's beak into beak-dust. Add to bowl on medium heat.
  8. EchoedSeel

    Neverending recipe.

    Step 33: Have a friend go to the nearest Taco Bell and order one of everything. IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. Then mix with baked contents of original bowl. This step will only work if your friend paid in pennies ONLY.
  9. EchoedSeel


    No, it really hurts. I'd rather you get up...
  10. EchoedSeel


    Hello TCoD forums! I have been going to the Cave of Dragonflies for a long while, but only recently joining the forums. I have been on forums before, so I'm not a total newb or anything. I am on SerebiiForums as Lucario&Smeargle, Twitter as hugaharpseal (feel free to add me, just respond to me...
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