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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Neverending recipe.

Step 29. Remember when you ate the "meal"? You now must regurgitate it onto the current meal. After you are done throwing up, you must call Lisaw on the phone and persuade her to give you a blue Torchic.
Step 30: Once you have the blue torchic, you must pluck its feathers and get the torchic to use ember on them before mixing them in with the meal. You can ONLY mix them in, however, if the ember's flames were also blue.
Step 31:If the mixture does not turned purple, you have done it wrong. If it does turn purple, mix in a bag of cow manure, then bake it.
Step 32. After baking it, make a sad Snorlax urinate on it until it turns red and starts dancing.
Step 33: Have a friend go to the nearest Taco Bell and order one of everything. IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. Then mix with baked contents of original bowl. This step will only work if your friend paid in pennies ONLY.
Step 34: Feed all of it to the closest penguin to you, then make it puke it up, and add a dash of grated jackalopes from the mountains of Ggjksghlidasghoaldig;e
Step 36:Play Super Smash Bros. Brawl until your eyes fall out. Burn your eyes into ash, and put the ash into the bowl.
39. Now, you must put an evil human's soul into the bowl, then put the mixture in the blender and blend it.
40. Then, rob the nearest Wal-Mart and take everything that's 7.99. EVERYTHING. Then give it back to the police if they ask. Oh, and stir the stuff that just came out of the blender. Once. Counterclockwise.
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