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Neverending recipe.

41. After this, go to K-mart and buy exactly 74 birthday cards. THIS WILL NOT WORK IF THEY ARE THE MUSIC KIND. Then, shred them, feed it to a dalmatian with 6 black spots and 4 white ones, and make it vomit on top of the mixture.
43: Now, you must add the first of the extremely vital ingredients: The Silver Werewolf fur! Go up to Samantha Terra Locke while she is asleep, making sure you take it from her tail! Now knead the fur into the mix until she comes and slits your throat for shaving her tail fur! Adding your blood to the mix you can now move onto the the next step!
44. Find 1 Latias, and 1 Mew, and combine them. Then pull off the wings and the tail and dump them into the mixture. Add 1 atomic bomb. Set your room on fire and run for your life! Once it explodes, quickly recover the mixture, kill the Latios standing beside you and put it into the mixture. Put mixture into blender on high. After blended, stir 600 times without stopping. Using your bad hand foot.
Step 45: Travel to Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Shadow Realm and catch yourself a Kuriboh, a Winged Kuriboh and a Kuribon, then quickly snag the Winged Kuriboh Lv 9 and the Winged Kuriboh Lv 10 that have jus appeared before adding the Wretched Ghost In The Attic! Now shave all the fur off of them and place in a clear plastic bag and beat with a rolling pin until you see all 7 DragonBalls rolling past the window!
Step 47: Pour the contents into an Erlenmeyer flask and send on a round trip commercial train to Albequerque, New Mexico. When the contents return at exactly 11:11 P.M. (this is crucial) they must be digested by a chinchilla and and the waste should be treated with an iodine solution.
Step 48: Leave the waste and iodine overnight in the fridge. Add a pinch of salt, and simmer the mixture on a low heat for approximately 15 minutes.
Step 49: Freeze it, put it into a frog-shaped container, tie it to a plane and fly in circles with a diameter of 47 kilometres around a geothermal power plant eight times while singing the Swedish version of Be Prepared (that song from The Lion King) over and over until you finish flying.
Step 52: Get a bottle of Coca Cola, glue a picture of Paul (from Pokémon) on it with pink lipstick, hang it on a tree, hit it with a hammer four times, then spin it around on a rope for a minute, pour the Cola into the mixture, hit the bottle with a hammer once more, cut it into very small pieces and add it as well.
Step 54: ...and remove the hairs with a dragon's flaming breath! Next, take out all metallic items from your pockets and make absolute certain you are wearing brown Ugg Boots! This will never be made clear until the 9001st post! Now, heat up the wok for the next step!
Step 55: Grill some Toblerone until it burns. Mash that up with ice so it goes all cold.
Add it to the mixture.
57. Take a pair of 3D glasses, dip them in blackcurrant juice, put them in the freezer for two hours, then crush them into the mixture.
59. Insert three (3) matches and light them.
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