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Search results

  1. Black Marauder

    Annual Pokemon Examination 2009 - The Results!

    The Report and Exam Questions: LINK TO THE REPORT: http://jupiter.vilhjalmur.com/butterfree/exam/report.aspx LINK TO THE EXAM QUESTIONS: http://jupiter.vilhjalmur.com/butterfree/exam/exam.aspx
  2. Black Marauder

    Annual Pokemon Examination 2009 - The Results!

    The Report: http://jupiter.vilhjalmur.com/butterfree/exam/report.aspx
  3. Black Marauder

    Annual Pokemon Examination 2009 - The Results!

    Well, the report does not contain the markscheme. I still have to decide whether I will be releasing the markscheme or not. The report should be ready soon. I'm waiting on Dragonfree to confirm something.
  4. Black Marauder

    Annual Pokemon Examination 2009 - The Results!

    LINK TO THE REPORT: http://jupiter.vilhjalmur.com/butterfree/exam/report.aspx LINK TO THE EXAM: http://jupiter.vilhjalmur.com/butterfree/exam/exam.aspx [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Yes, the results are ready :) I will upload a report on the examination later on. This year's exam will be made...
  5. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Woohoo results are ready!!! Hey there everyone, the results are ready! Originally, a massive 122 users signed up for the exam. In the end, 94 actually submitted final answers! Seventy-four (74) of these users were from Serebiiforums and Twenty (20) were from The Cave Of Dragonflies. Here's...
  6. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    The deadline is today! :sweatdrop:
  7. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    I have received answers from (this list includes people from Serebii.net Forums & The Cave of Dragonflies): >Entei< @lex Abysmal Zero Aethelstan AlteredegoX Apocalypse_ZLS Atari ben_pokemon Bisasam BlitzBlast BynineB Calm Pokemaster Captain Noob chamo-chan Charizard Morph coolespeon DemonLabRat...
  8. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Sorry you missed it :( I have received answers from (this list includes people from Serebii.net Forums & The Cave of Dragonflies): 1. >Entei< 2. Abysmal Zero 3. Aethelstan 4. AlteredegoX 5. Apocalypse_ZLS 6. ben_pokemon 7. Bisasam 8. BlitzBlast 9. BynineB 10. Calm Pokemaster 11. Captain Noob...
  9. Black Marauder

    Thanks for the heads up!

    Thanks for the heads up!
  10. Black Marauder

    'Kay. Thanks for the heads up.

    'Kay. Thanks for the heads up.
  11. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    I will let you in, don't worry. You will round off the big 30! Accepted: 30. bobbyjkl And that's it, TCoD! Sign-ups are now closed. Keep an eye on this thread for updates on marking and results. 92 Serebii.net Forums users entered + 30 TCoDers... takes the grand total to 122! Hopefully...
  12. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Accepted: 29.Aethelstan Sign-ups are now closed!
  13. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Accepted: 24. SonicNintendo 25. Espeon 26. Jack_the_PumpkinKing 27. Ramsie 28. Worst Username Ever I will be accepting only two more candidates from The Cave of Dragonflies before sign-ups close. Thank you all for participating! :)
  14. Black Marauder

    Great. Thanks for notifying me :)

    Great. Thanks for notifying me :)
  15. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Accepted: 18. Mumei 19. ultraviolet 20. @lex 21. Minkow 22. Dragon 23. Ketsu
  16. Black Marauder

    You can write it without the accent. 'Pokemon' works just fine!

    You can write it without the accent. 'Pokemon' works just fine!
  17. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Accepted: 14. Blastoise428 15. Slartibartfast 16. Evoli
  18. Black Marauder

    Okay. Try your best and good luck!

    Okay. Try your best and good luck!
  19. Black Marauder

    Sign-up for TCoD's First Ever Pokemon Examination Here!

    Accepted: 12. Doctor Jimmy 13. rock-ground
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