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Search results

  1. Falthor


    Re: …? I got a car. I knew that I would because I've been driving it. XD It's a '95 Explorer, but I'm not complaining. It's been properly maintained, so its gas milage has improved somewhat to what I'd say is 28 MPG HWY? I'm unsure, but I shall find out. Anyway, I hung out with friends...
  2. Falthor


  3. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I did the "I Dunno" thing to the fortuneteller. She said, "Someone really likes you! She really cares about you...and she is like a flower." Blah, blah, something about blooming or whatever. Is that Sheena or Colette?
  4. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Awesome. :3 - I loff Sheena. I hate Colette; her character is so stupid, plain, and boring. I talked to the fortuneteller in Triet, by the way. Here are my standings: Genis - Soul Mate Colette - Soul Mate Raine - Highly liked/respected (I forgot the word she used) Zelos - No trust at all...
  5. Falthor

    If you did have something to ask, why didn't you ask it? Don't answer it; just post your...

    If you did have something to ask, why didn't you ask it? Don't answer it; just post your question, please.
  6. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    I don't like assuming my reader is stupid (using concise language). I assume the reader is intelligent enough that he (being grammatically correct here, not politically) actually wanted to read the piece of fiction. I see where I made mistakes, but thank God the first three paragraphs were...
  7. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    Sorry to double-post, but I've been working on the fic from the beginning and have begun the prologue. Here is what I have so far. I know it's descriptive, but if there is anything here that needs to be fixed, I should start early. The POV is going to be in third-person the whole time. But...
  8. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I double-posted? I could have sworn.... Anyway, Alxprit, this club is about any game in the Tales series, so you're welcome here. I only played Symphonia and plan to play the others once I beat this game. I logged in already sixty hours and I'm not even on the second disc yet.
  9. Falthor


    Video game consoles. Yep, you spelled it right. Welcome aboard. *is too lazy to expand on it* Expect Castform to give you some copypasta soon.
  10. Falthor

    So it's a similar sort of thing. (Too lazy to edit it. Facebookin' on forums ftw.)

    So it's a similar sort of thing. (Too lazy to edit it. Facebookin' on forums ftw.)
  11. Falthor

    Haha, awesome. I haven't had any of those kinds of experiences, but I remember getting on the...

    Haha, awesome. I haven't had any of those kinds of experiences, but I remember getting on the wrong monorail at my local airport only to end up halfway across my gate, with only about five minutes to spare. Turns out that I read my ticket upside down. I wasn't at Gate 98, rather Gate 86. xD
  12. Falthor

    Care to share them?

    Care to share them?
  13. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Awesome. I want Lloyd to be with Sheena, so badly, and it looks like it's extremely possible. Colette's so fucking annoying. I hate her character. It's so unoriginal and stupid. Sheena is amazing and a great character, truly evolving just as much as Lloyd is. But stupid Colette is attached...
  14. Falthor

    What are you reading?

    The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett. Awesome book. Better than the movie.
  15. Falthor

    Moves that are the wrong type

    Hm, you got a point, Mudkip. Why is Morning Sun Normal? And Recover? And Moonlight? Morning Sun should be Grass, Recover Psychic, and Moonlight Dark. What about Recycle and Refresh? Psychic, too(?), because they don't seem normal at all. They are otherworldly, in my opinion. Splash...
  16. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I have returned to Sylvarant! Questions have arisen: If someone is a soul mate, that means you did the right thing with those conversation circles, right? What are those percent things at save/load menus? And what's this important scene that makes you be with the person you love? I want to...
  17. Falthor

    Kratos, since you and I are fans of ToS, and apparently good with webmastering, I was wondering...

    Kratos, since you and I are fans of ToS, and apparently good with webmastering, I was wondering if you could help me with ToS and webmastering. If you're up for it, at least...
  18. Falthor

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    Your party needs some level boosts. Fight them more often, and use your timed hits. Have your guys at or around Level 8 or 10 by the time you reach Bowyer.
  19. Falthor

    Good to have you back. So, how was China? Any experiences to share that you have not done so in...

    Good to have you back. So, how was China? Any experiences to share that you have not done so in that thread o'yours?
  20. Falthor

    Welcome back, Negs! Glad to see you back where you belong, at a desk typing up stuffs for the...

    Welcome back, Negs! Glad to see you back where you belong, at a desk typing up stuffs for the ASB. Haha, just kiddin', darlin', but seriously––welcome back. I don't think it was the same without you.
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