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Search results

  1. Falthor

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    Subtle advertising ftl. >< Dude, Paper Mario, although it used to have the title SMRPG2, pales in comparison to the original. Very few elements of SMRPG were transferred over to Paper Mario, including the aspect of actually having good partners. Too many new elements were introduced, which...
  2. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    (I actually can't believe there are books like this.) By the way, you guys are harsh. I understand that you are being constructive (highly constructive), but from the tone of your posts, I can tell that you just want to bash me because my writing supposedly sucks. ¬¬ Further, I'm not trying...
  3. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    Any book recommendations?
  4. Falthor


    Eh, so-so, I assume. Just good to be back, I guess. How's everything on the home front? Life is good? Pleasant? Shitty?
  5. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    All right then, I'll get to work. Trust me, I think that for the best, I'd rather not show up in this forum for a year or so. Let me take my Creative Writing class and see where that takes me.
  6. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    I don't follow the rules of canon. Eighteen is the age when you are officially declared a legal adult in some countries. People going off to college are eighteen, so I decided to use that premise. As for your other comments: Uh, well, I really can't respond to this. I don't think this...
  7. Falthor

    Forums Open

    I didn't know that; I thought she was returning at the end of summer. I just read the first post, and it didn't say anything about the date upon which Negrek will return. My apologies. Yes, I could definitely wait. The idea is still pitched, though. If you are at all interested, please...
  8. Falthor


    The famous introductory quote. Good to see you, too, my friend. How goes it?
  9. Falthor

    Rate the signature above you!

    0/10, I'm afraid - you don't know how many of these kinds of sigs I've seen before.
  10. Falthor

    Three years, months & days at tCoD

    After trying to prove when I joined the forum to Erika, I noticed that I joined three years, three months, three days ago this very day (okay, the day before, but who's counting?). I just thought I'd post this to celebrate my special "Three Threes" Day.
  11. Falthor

    Forums Open

    If those people who were involved in ASB are still itching to get some battling on, I could provide some kind of alternative (as mentioned in the quoted post) for the time being, allowing those ASB'ers to be involved in a similar kind of experience. This is only with administrative consent, of...
  12. Falthor

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    After checking the Nintendo website, and Wikipedia (which was quite reliable, I may add) it currently is available only in Japan for a mere 900 Wii Points (roughly 10 bucks USD with tax and all).
  13. Falthor

    Joined the first of March, '05. So three years, three months, three days. Oh shit, I should go...

    Joined the first of March, '05. So three years, three months, three days. Oh shit, I should go post this. xD
  14. Falthor

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    Hasn't it made its way to the VC yet? *Investigates* I believe it has. I thought it was going for 900 Wii Points, if I'm not mistaken.
  15. Falthor

    Vet. Pssh, 4 years. There you go. I spent three, I think? *goes to confirm*

    Vet. Pssh, 4 years. There you go. I spent three, I think? *goes to confirm*
  16. Falthor

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    It was a gift from Square for Nintendo, so in essence it's a third-party game (it plays like Final Fantasy, as well, if you're into that series, as well), but Mario is a first-party thing. But to be on the safe side, since it makes sense and so you could play this epic game: third-party.
  17. Falthor

    Haha, alright thanks. I'll let the banner creator know. Thanks again. So, you a vet of these...

    Haha, alright thanks. I'll let the banner creator know. Thanks again. So, you a vet of these forums? *conversation startup*
  18. Falthor

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    If what I said did not please you, by all means, get rid of it. If I was too moronic to mention something like that, please let me know. I've got to hand it to Mozilla. They've got some of the greatest elements of a browser. I'm not complaining about Safari at all; it, too, is pretty good...
  19. Falthor

    Oh. Someone made it for me; I had no idea what anime/manga they came from. But at least I know...

    Oh. Someone made it for me; I had no idea what anime/manga they came from. But at least I know where they did come from so I can ask for better pictures ('cause the banner looks like an ad for a romance novel, right? xD)
  20. Falthor

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    If any of you have heard of, played, or have been obsessed with what I think is the greatest game of all time, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (also known as SMRPG), discuss this fantastic game here, and the possibility of a remake, true sequel, and other information here.
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