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Search results

  1. Falthor

    Um. What?

    Um. What?
  2. Falthor

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    The poll has been added. I use Safari. I used to use Firefox, Opera, and IE.
  3. Falthor

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    Post and discuss what browser you use and why. I guess that's all I really needed to post. Feel free to debate which is the king of all browsers. EDITED because it makes me sound like a brown-nosing idiot. ><
  4. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    Thank you, Dragon_night, and believe me, it won't be cliché (at least, I hope not). By the way, the prerequisites for the High Schoolers Society have been changed, so check that out before you join. Adieu.
  5. Falthor


    Ah, thank you, but I am currently not a member of the forum. Hm, you remind me of someone, whose screen name is similar to yours. You use Japanese just like him, but I really cannot put my finger on it. Thank you for the welcome, my good sir/ma'am (your profile doesn't say what gender you...
  6. Falthor

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    So I won't have to repost constantly; I could refer back to this one and post from there! Game Sapphire Monotype Water Play Time : Name, Level ## (M/F?) Nature Hold Item - - - - Game Sapphire Monotype Water Play Time 38:47 I took out all of the Pokémon in my party (so long, Kirlia...
  7. Falthor

    What are you reading?

    Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Summer reading ftw.
  8. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    A few notifications to counteract your tips: a. The protagonist is a teenager. Alcohol is crap; his family's been around it for years. I don't think he'll describe it as "a putrid, acidic, beverage that has formed a puddle of said substance." He's eighteen; that vocabulary is beyond him...
  9. Falthor

    Holy crap, I remember you.

    Holy crap, I remember you.
  10. Falthor


    Up to no good, as usual, since I am such a deviant. :B Thanks for the greetings; I hope I could be accepted by the people once again. That is, if they know me. I've been visible, invisible, on, off, in, and out more times than Bill Clinton during his Presidency.
  11. Falthor

    What's Your IQ?

    It's strange how I normally get the same range of scores on every IQ test I take. I took one elsewhere and got a 140. I trust that IQ Test the most since it's, supposedly, "the best there is!". In other words, this IQ Test declares that I am a genius. Eh, I wouldn't go to those extremes.
  12. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    [ TARNISHED SCARS : THE EPIC ØF THATCHER GRESLIN ] An Action/Adventure Original Trainer novel by Falthor. [ Førewørd ] “When he approaches the light, his eyes will be dazzled, and he will not be able to see anything at all of what are now called realities.” ~ Plato, The Republic [ Dedicatiøn...
  13. Falthor


    No, you're not hallucinating. No, I'm not lying. No, this isn't bullshit. He's back. Hopefully for good. Okay, that's probably a lie. But I am back, and I wish to be part of this community again. I see that the ASB has died out due to Negrek's absence. If I could, I may be able to start...
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